Overview Of The Gamification Trend

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Chapter Two
2.4 Gamification
2.4.1 Overview of the Gamification Trend
The industry of games is undoubtedly appealing and it has been just a matter of time until their alluring power entered in our day by day activities. The concept of gamification may look as a new idea at a first sight, but if you track down the history of gamification it is evident that this notion of using game mechanics and dynamics has always been in our lifestyle. However, technology has been progressed, thus creating new opportunities but the foundation of gamification remains the same: Gamification applies game dynamics and mechanics to activities beyond traditional games. Assuredly, the idea is very promising and it is too worthy to be ignored.

According to Medland (Medland, 2013), a great amount of time and money across the globe are spent on games, being one of the world’s largest forms of entertainment. Taking into account that games are played during our free time, at our own expenses and often requiring repetitive tasks, we still pose an unbelievable drive for gaming. The Gamification’s purpose is to make real life activities more engaging, by harnessing the psychological predisposition to engage in gaming using the same motivational mechanisms.
The industry practitioners and academics have taken a stab at trying to define Gamification. Howsoever, among different opinions on usefulness it has been found a unifying theme.

The jointing point in all the definitions is the focus on the use of game elements (mechanics, dynamics) in existing surroundings. Many definitions comprise as well the purpose for the use of these elements, and all agreed: to change behavior.


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..., it is still required a trigger at the right time in order to bring out the behavior predictably. The definition of a trigger could be anything that alerts the player to execute the target behavior in that moment. In this regard, the most significant thing for the trigger is the right timing, due the fact that a good timing will lead to the inception of the predictable behavior and it further makes the player have good emotions while perform it. Nevertheless, a poorly timed trigger leads to adverse effects, and in the end it probably will not produce the desired outcome.

The importance of the trigger is further stated from another point of view, as being a necessity for a player due the fact that even if the user has the ability and the motivation required to perform a task, they howsoever might be unaware of they own ability, might be hesitant or distracted.

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