The Growing Popularity of Role-playing Games

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The Growing Popularity of Role-playing Games

Role-playing games are becoming increasingly popular in this age due the assistance of the Internet. In these types of game a person can assume a character and give this character a personality, physical features and “live” through them. All though in past years “pen and paper” types have dominated the rpg world, now MUDs are making it possible to role-play along with thousands of others A MUD is a network-accessible, multi-participant virtual reality that is primarily text-based. (Bruckman, 1992). Although the term “virtual reality” often refers to a computer-simulated environment that contains varying degrees of audio/visual interface, this form of virtual reality is mainly text-based. Elizabeth Reid further explains by saying:

Using a MUD does not require the paraphernalia commonly associated with virtual reality. There is no special hardware to sense the position and orientation of the user’s real-world body, and no special clothes allowing users to see the virtual world through goggles and though through “data gloves”…Instead of using sophisticated tools to see, touch and hear the virtual environment, users of MUD systems are presented with textual descriptions of virtual locations. Technically, a MUD software program consists of a database of “rooms”, “exits” and other objects. The program accepts connections from users on a computer network, and provides each user with access to that database…Within each system users can interact with each other and with the virtual environment which the MUD presents to them (Reid, 1994).

In 1978, Roy Trubshaw at the Universe of Essex in England created a program he called a “multi-user Dungeon” (Reid, 1994). This game was...

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...y a tiny fraction of the known players. The results I got may not be an accurate depiction of the entire body especially because the surveyed were not completely random. Only further studies performed around the world could offer a more meaningful set of data. Nevertheless, I believe that the patterns I saw were fairly true to the overall population of rpg’ers. Their world is one of escape for them from the problems of physical life. They use these fictional characters to live the dreams and fantasies they will never be able to do in real life. Only in an RPG can a weak, skinny, acne-ridden teenager destroy an enemy nine times his size and still get the beautiful maiden. They are free to be who they are internally and who they wish to become someday. Their dreams may never come true in real life, but they get a small taste of complete idealism through RPG’s.

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