Overcoming Adversity

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As a child my parents worried about my educational development. They didn’t know if I was going to be able to keep up with the other children. I was in the third grade and didn’t know any English. I struggled academically my remaining elementary years to catch up to the other children, but it wasn’t long until I exceeded my peers in middle school.

Adversity has been part of my life since elementary. That is when my father and mother divorced, and I was thrown for being responsible for my non- English speaking mother and a sister two years younger than me. My mother, although, responsible in a motherly sense, could not deal with the basic issues of day to day life. Such as paying the bills, helping us on our homework, or even cooking us food. Being in ESL classes up to elementary didn’t help matters any. I had to figure out a way to show my teachers I was capable of being a bright child. I always admired the children that were in GT or TAG classes and I would ask myself, why I wasn’t good enough to be in them? Finally, in the sixth grade, while filling out my class registrations, I...

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