Importance Of Bridges To Success Program

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To me college symbolizes knowledge and intelligence. A college graduate automatically has the air of maturity and sophistication as well as portrays an educated persona. But one everyone has the capability to make it through college. People like me need just a little helping hand to get to guiding us though little by little until we are able to walk on our own. I would like to participate in the bridges program because I believe that this program will help me grow stronger as a student, person as well as a member in society. The Bridges to success program will assist me with making the first steps into incoming a successful college student. I truly believe that in order to become successful you must fist have a strong foundation. The bridges program to me is that foundation. Providing me with the path leading me into the right direction.
Going into high school I was over powered with a dark cloud filled with resentment that my parents showered alone me constantly reminding me that I wasn’t as bright as my sister. At the young age of 11myy parents sent me to live with my grandmother. Being raises by two successful parents brought …show more content…

Quoting Lauren Kate, “Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can 't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. “When every you feel down, with nowhere to turn as long as you have faith that you will with get though you will. Thinking back on how I was feeling I notice that I not only had lost sense of direction but I also lost my faith in God. Without him I was hopeless until I found my sense of direction and Trusted that my faith in God would bring me though. The Bridges to Success program not only provide me with faith that I will make it through but also with the peace of mind that I have the support from a full staff helping me make my first steps in my adult

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