Overcoming Obstacles to Succeed

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Enrolling in a college is one thing but actually attending classes and finishing college is harder than it seems. Regardless of all of the obstacles that come our way, there are always resources to help you overcome them to succeed. First colleges aren’t cheap and working may not be enough to pay or tuition but you can qualify for financial aid, grants, and loans. Another is organizing your time by having a job that cooperates with your school schedule and also allows you to have study time. Lastly you need to believe in yourself if you don’t you will not succeed.
First, Education isn’t cheap but there are many resources to help you. College is expensive from paying for classes, textbooks, and materials that it all adds up to a big number. Not everyone is born in a wealthy family or has the opportunity to have a full paid scholarship. According to College Data, in the United States the average cost of tuition and fees for the 2013–2014 school years was $30,094 at private colleges, $8,893 for state residents at public colleges, and $22,203 for out-of-state residents attending public universities. Regardless of all the money you need for tuition you have lots of resources to help you. FAFSA is one resource; it’s a free application to see how money you are eligible for student financial aid. You can always ask for a student loan. You do have to pay that back but after getting your degree; you can start paying it off. There are many scholarships and grants you can apply for. They may not pay your entire school tuition but every little amount counts. You can always get more than just one. Making them a good chunk of change. I actually qualified for financial aid the last two years because my parents don’t work and neither did I. I was...

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...their eyes. I do have a fiancé that encourages me to do my best. He constantly reminds me to believe in myself like he believes in me. I also have amazing friends that support the decisions I make and encourage me to do what my heart desires and better myself. You should also remind yourself that on graduation day you will be walking that stage alone; the diploma you receive will only have your name. So no matter what obstacles you’re faced with as long as you believe in yourself, will you overcome them.
Therefore, don’t let money be the reason you don’t attend college. Organize your time to finish school and let you have your dream job. Lastly have faith in yourself and do your best because no one else is going to do the work for you. Many obstacles come our way but if you let them stop you how will you ever succeed in college so use the resources available to you.

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