Nikola Tesla Primary Source Essay

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My Primary source is The inventions, researches, and writings of Nikola Tesla. I have been doing a lot of research in the primary source because I want to understand what this genius was thinking before making his inventions and what he thought after he was a recognized as a famous inventor. I knew about Tesla‘s inventions and how did they affect in the present . Before starting my research I did not know him that deep but now I can try to understand what he was thinking at that moment. Now doing my research I find thousands of new things that I did not knew about him. My research consist in doing annotations in every chapter that I read. I make questions before reading a new chapter is easier for me to look for the answers of the research questions and after I do notes about what I read. This primary source is a autobiography but it include notes of his inventions. …show more content…

In this primary source it talks about his personal life in much parts of the primary source“.
I like the parts of the primary source that he talks about his life. Important inventions that he talk about in his primary source are located in The “ Miscellaneous“ section he includes a great many inventions. He talks about lighting, transformers, pyromagnetic ,generators , thermo magnetic motors, third brush regulations improvements in dynamos new forms of incandescent lamps, electrical meters, condensers, unipolar dynamos, the conversion of alternating into direct currents , etc. Only in this volume he talk about all this important inventions that were crucial for his development as an

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