Nikola Tesla And Brilliance

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Nikola Tesla is a man that many individuals associate with brilliance. Moreover, Tesla is a name that ignites impulses within an individual’s brain which illuminate, via bio-circuitry, the thought association of Tesla and brilliance, similar to the force we term as electricity. Brilliance however, shouldn’t be the only descriptive word to come to mind when thinking of one of the greatest engineers and inventors to live. Innovation and determination should be undoubtedly included in the list of descriptive words of Mr. Nikola Tesla. For without the innovative mind of Tesla, midcentury inventions as well as current technological advances would be nonexistent, or worse, credited to Thomas Edison.
Tesla was born in the year of 1856 in an area …show more content…

All my money has been invested into experiments with which I have made new discoveries enabling mankind to have a little easier life,” Tesla (1927). This philosophy of Tesla hold true on both accounts, Tesla did make life easier for mankind and he did invest all his money attempting to accomplish that task. “Despite his accomplishments, however, Tesla died penniless and without the accolades that would he would ultimately earn over a century later,” according to Whipps (2014). Aside from the above quote which reminds us of how determined Tesla was, we have various technologies that current culture utilizes on an everyday basis which solidifies his importance on society. For example, Tesla is responsible solely for or developing the technology or methods which enable, alternating current, light, x-rays, radios, remote controls, electric motors, robotics, lasers, wireless communications and potential limitless free energy. An argument could be made that Tesla has had such a profound influence on our society that the inevitable switch to battery operated, fully automatized motor vehicles is led by a company which utilizes the brand name of …show more content…

“The ‘genius who lit the world’ is now commemorated with an electrical unit called the Tesla, has a place in the inventor’s hall of fame, streets, statues, and a prestigious engineer’s award in his name, but in life he wasn’t always so successful,” according to Whipps (2014). Though if a person at random were to be asked whom might be the responsible party for mainstream electricity, they might not finger Tesla in the lineup. Benjamin Franklin might be the answer spouted off, or perhaps it may be Thomas Edison, and in some fashion both answers are on the right track. It would be all but asinine to refuse Tesla credit for all his achievements and contributions to advance current society through groundbreaking and revolutionary

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