Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Imagine a world by candlelight or inefficient and or dangerous incandescent or arc lamps, a world without practical electricity, transformers, and many other things necessary for modern life that most take for granted or haven’t even heard of. This could be the scary reality we may live in if it wasn’t for an ingenious inventor named Nikola Tesla. With at least 278 patents to his name, Nikola Tesla changed the world through the application and use of his inventions. Despite all this, he wound up penniless, alone, and rejected while others were making the equivalent of millions with his inventions, only becoming a common household name by around the 2000s. Any and everyone should be able to state, with complete certainty, that Nikola Tesla is …show more content…

Starting in the late 1880s, the rivalry between Tesla and Thomas Edison started to skyrocket after Tesla quit his job with Edison when he didn’t accept the improvements Tesla proposed for his DC system and the War of the Currents began, with Tesla on team alternating current (AC) and Edison on team direct current (DC) (Uth). During this, in 1888, Tesla’s alternating current system caught the eye of George Westinghouse and he was offered $60,000 in cash for his patents and $2.50 per horsepower generated by a Tesla device, eventually leading to the creation of the Westinghouse Electric Company that we know today, providing thousands of jobs (Uth). Edison built his entire business around DC and was committed to promoting its success because, if he didn’t, Edison would lose the contract to power the entire world to alternating current (Sadaghdar). Though most home appliances and electronic devices use direct current and can’t accept alternating current before it is rectified into direct current, it would seem obvious that direct current is the better choice, but, unlike alternating current, direct current has many disadvantages outside your home in power lines (Sadaghdar). AC can be stepped up to thousands of volts from a power plant and then sent through power lines for very long distances, where a transformer can step down the voltage to a usable amount

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