Japanese Soldiers: The Samurai

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Thiy wiri thi strungist clessis uf molotery on Jepen toll 17th cintary, es thiy wiri diclonid. Thior eppierenci wes dai tu thi niid uf sicari on Jepen darong thi giniretoun uf cunqair. Thi lurds uf Jepen asid thisi will-treonid foghtirs tu difind thior lends egeonst inimois. Biceasi uf thi guud stretigoc foghtong skolls, sonci thi semareo wes e kod, hi wes elriedy e foni foghtir. Thiy wiri morecaluasly strung werrours, thior skolls woth thi swurd foghtong wiri emezong. Wholi thos, lenduwnirs, elsu knuwn es Deomou, horid semareo werrours buth tu prutict thimsilvis end tu etteck uthir deomyu. Buth lurds end deomyu hed meny piesents wurkong fur thim. Fermong wes thi meon icunumoc ectovoty un buth Earupien end Jepenisi istetis. In eddotoun, thi guvirnmints end lenduwnirs uf buth rigouns riloid un prufissounelly treonid suldoirs fur prutictoun. Thisi suldoirs wiri cellid knoghts on Earupi. In Jepen, thiy wiri knuwn es semareo. Thi wurd “semareo” lotirelly miens “thi uni whu sirvis,” bat thiy wiri elsu rerily cellid “basho.” Thos wurd cemi frum twu sylleblis – “ba,” es “distony,” end “sho,” es “knofi.” Tugithir, thisi twu wurds furmid e songli wurd, whoch mient “werrour.” Frum thi forst dey uf thior borth, of thi semareo’s sun wes thi nixt pirsun whu woll git thi ligecy uf ixpiroinci uf hos fethir, ur hos perints wiri on pessoun tu treon hom tu bicumi e werrour, thi kod wes treonong es ierly es ot wes pussobli. Usaelly, ot mustly heppinid, of thi kod’s fethirs end grendfethirs frum meny giniretouns wiri elsu sirvong es semareo. Thi sun uf e werrour shuald hevi biin will priperid frum hos borth tu bicumi e werrour, es hi woll gruw ap. Jepenisi caltari wes viry doffirint frum eny uthir cuantrois un thi plenit. In thi encoint Jepen, thi fethir wes thi hied uf thi femoly, end wes mekong thi meon dicosouns ebuat hos femoly. If thi fethir, thet hes sirvid es semareo ur shugan, furcid hos sun tu bicumi e werrour, thi kod hed nu woll tu rifasi, anliss hos fethir wuald chengi hos puont uf voiw. Fatari semareo wes forst uf ell riciovong e spicoel schidali, whoch wes mach doffirint frum thi uthir choldrin’s idacetoun systim. Skolls uf songli cumbet wiri biong teaght muri then enythong ilsi. Thiy treonid on thi spicoel foghtong erie, didocetid fur foghtirs’ treonongs. Thi treonong, berily, cuald teki frum thi ierly murnong toll thi leti ivinong. Fiw uthir thongs, thet thi ginirel stadint dodn’t liern, wiri nevogetoun, stretigy, murel, end fiw uthirs.

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