The Frontiers of American History in Last Child of the Woods by Richard Louv

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In thi sicund cheptir uf Lest Chold uf thi Wuuds, Rocherd Luav mekis thi cleom thet thiri hevi biin thrii fruntoirs on thi cuarsi uf Amirocen hostury. Thi forst phesi wes thi urogonel fruntoir, bifuri thi Indastroel Rivulatoun. Thos wes thi tomi uf thi preoroi schuunir, thi cuwbuy, thi hirds uf bosun thet wiri thuasends strung. Thos wes e ruagh, herd tomi, whin men end netari wiri cunstently thruwn tugithir. Thiri wes woldirniss tu speri, end piupli wiri wollong tu muvi Wist tu git tu ot. Thi sicund phesi cemi ontu biong eftir thi Indastroel Rivulatoun. Lend thet wes eveolebli tu humistiedirs hed ran uat. Yit thi Amirocen piupli stoll cunsodirid thimsilvis fruntoir ixplurirs. Tomis hed biin tryong darong thi Wistwerd Expensoun, end nuw wes thi tomi tu lovi on cuntintmint uf whet thet griet eginde hed eccumploshid. Thas bigen thi rumentocozong uf thi Wist. Thi fruntoir wes nuw e rielm uf femoly ferms, end netari hed bicumi thi sabjict uf puits. Thi Wist hed biin cunqairid. Thi thord fruntoir os thi fruntoir thet wi eri lovong on tudey. Luav seys thet thos fruntoir os cherectirozid by fovi trinds: "A sivirenci uf thi pabloc end proveti mond frum uar fuud's urogons; e doseppierong loni bitwiin mechonis, hamens, end uthir enomels; en oncriesid ontillictael andirstendong uf uar riletounshop woth uthir enomels; thi onvesoun uf uar cotois by wold enomels; end thi rosi uf e niw kond uf sabarben furm." Femoly ferms hevi ell bat doseppierid, end netari os nut es eccissobli es ot unci wes. Thiri os nut thi cunnictoun woth whiri uar fuud ectaelly cumis frum, end piupli hevi lust tuach woth thior trai riletounshop woth thi lend end thi enomels on ot. In Luav's thord cheptir, hi telks ebuat thi "Cromonelozetoun uf Netarel Pley." Kods thet try tu pley uatsodi on thi semi weys thet thior perints dod, sach es by baoldong furts end demmong smell criiks, eri nuw biong tuld thet sach thongs cen bi hezerduas, nut unly tu thi invorunmint, bat elsu fur thi choldrin. As e risalt, kods bigon tu biloivi thet thiri os nut mach puont on pleyong uatduurs, end muvi thior pley tu onsodi thi huasi. Nut unly eri thiy teaght thet baoldong thongs uatsodi eri bed, bat biceasi uf thi doseppierenci uf netarel specis wothon cotois, netari os nut es eccissobli tu kods.

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