Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking is the trade in humans, most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor or for the extraction of organs or tissues, including surrogacy . Trafficking is a lucrative industry, representing an estimated $32 billion per year in international trade, compared to the estimated annual $650 billion for all illegal international trade circa 2010. This is one of the fastest growing problems of the world, and if not tackled properly, it will continue to grow at an immense rate. It is mainly described as the movement of children, men, and women illegally across borders for use in various inhumane practices. Human trafficking violates fundamental human rights, and infringes provisions of international law such as the prohibition on slavery and forced labor in Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Norway is a destination and to a lesser extent, a transit and origin country for people subjected to human trafficking, specifically forced prostitution and men and women in conditions of forced labor in the domestic service and construction sectors. Some foreign migrants may also be subjected to forced labor in the health care sector. Victims identified in 2009 originated in 45 countries, but most originated in Nigeria or other African countries and Eastern Europe. Often victims were from minority groups in their countries of origin. Criminal organizations were often involved in human trafficking in Norway, and trafficking schemes varied by victims’ countries of origin. Children in Norwegian refugee centers and migrants denied asylum were vulnerable to human trafficking in Norway. The Government of Norway fully complies with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. The government co... ... middle of paper ... ...rted United Nations acts regarding human trafficking and continues to work and implement its policies. Norway belives that for this problem to be tackled efficiently, an international agreement has to come into existence for the reduced flow of trafficked humans into other territories and countries. For this purpose, the Kingdom of Norway is willing to work and negotiate with various African countries in order to ensure that the number of people trafficked is reduced. Norway would like to see an increased level of security on African countries’ borders in order to prevent traffickers from transporting people to other countries. The support of various EU and NATO countries would greatly enhance the accomplishment of Norway’s mission. Norway would also seek the help and support of many Asian and African countries in its mission to reduce human trafficking globally.

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