Essay On Causes Of Human Trafficking

560 Words2 Pages

Andrea Beverly
Professor McClendon
ENGL 1301.A002
17 March 2014
Cause and Effect of Human Trafficking: Sexual Exploitation
Cause and Effect Essay
On the news and all over the world you hear the term human trafficking. What exactly is human trafficking? “Human trafficking is essentially modern-day slave trading, which ensnares millions of people in debt bondage or forced conditions.” (Siddharth).As many know today human trafficking has become a phenomenon all over the country. Human Trafficking is a global activity where women and young girls are being traded and used as sexual exploitation. As Siddharth stated that human trafficking is slowly becoming one of the most involved criminal activities all over the world. Two causes and two effects on how strongly our human beings are encouraged to take action.
One cause of human trafficking is vulnerability of grieved criminals.(cite). Most grieving criminals are vulnerable, because of their living conditions. When they see how easy it is to be a trafficker makes this issue much more horrifying for women and young girls to be manipulated...

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