Human Trafficking: The Modern Day Slavery Of The World

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In today’s society, where there is political and civil instability in the nations of the world, many citizens become subject to human trafficking. Human trafficking has rapidly grown into a transnational issue. Transnational crimes are often a result of an organized criminal group. These criminal groups quickly exploit the citizens of an unstable country and will send them to other countries while using upgraded technology and the rise of global trade to their advantage. Aside from human trafficking, it also can involve the movement of firearms, vehicles, drugs, or human body parts. Many believe that human trafficking is slavery of the modern-day. Many nations have come together to work on ways to prevent and protect those subject to trafficking. …show more content…

It is not only the problem of one country but instead is problem for many different countries. According to Ngwe and Elechi, authors of, “Human Trafficking: The Modern Day Slavery of The 21st Century”, states that between one to four million people are smuggled over international borders annually (2012). Most of those that are trafficked are women and children but some believe that the trafficking of males is increasing due to the need of labor. A majority of those that are trafficked, are sent to wealthier countries and are used for labor, whether forced or domestic and sexual exploitation. Many world leaders believe that this type of crime is a major threat to the security of their nations as well as weakening their social, economic, and political developments within their …show more content…

Slavery is considered to be an individual that is controlled by another with violence while not receiving pay. Trafficked personnel are threatened with violence, whether is is against themselves or their family, if they do not adhere to the demands of the group that is exploiting them. People that are used as slaves come from many different countries. Gilmore, who wrote, “Modern Slavery Thriving in the U.S.” states that those forced to do labor in the United States come from at least 38 different countries. Some of these countries include Latin America, Africa, China, and India, while a majority are seen to come from and China, Mexico, and Vietnam (2004). It is believed that there are over 27 people affected by slavery and that the use of humans as slaves is the third most profitable business of illegal crimes (Bales, Soodalter, 2009;2010). Additionally, it is hard to pinpoint the actual number of trafficked personnel because most do not realize the are victims or are just to scared to bring light to their situation due to threats or violence. Those who are working to pay off a debt are more concerned with the fulfillment of the loan than seeking help. Most times they have given up a family member as collateral and their goal is to only get that member

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