How An Act Of Kindness Can Impact A Person

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There's no way to ever know how much a simple act of kindness can impact a person. The act could be something as simple as holding the door, picking up something dropped, or sitting with someone who is alone. Small acts of kindness can turn someone's day around drastically. There are always things that we personally can do that will help the people of our own communities. For example you can help those less fortunate, the young, the old, and even the local who just need an extra helping hand. No matter where you go, or where you come from there is always someone who could use help, someone who would appreciate help, and someone who would never forget the actions. With this in mind, some high schools are now requiring seniors to have some …show more content…

As stated before, these acts don't have to massive huge efforts, anything helps. Coaching third and fourth graders is a great way to get involved with your community as well as help some kids out. You don't have to travel for it, and it creates relationships as well s teaches kids some worthwhile stuff. Other great forms of volunteer work is through local food banks. This is a more typical type of service you can be apart of in a community and doesn't just make you feel good about yourself, but it feeds the hungry and needy. Finally, my most favorite form of community service; volunteering at a local church sponsored Vacation Bible School. This is a place that kids feel at home, they get a snack, and they get a lesson that helps them to distinguish the right from the wrong in their lives. All of these acts are very influential and can have drastically positive impacts on a small community if we continue to stay positive and teach our kids this way. Community service projects have never been frowned upon, and they can have a long lasting, positive impact and effect on a …show more content…

As stated before, these acts don't have to massive huge efforts, anything helps. Coaching third and fourth graders is a great way to get involved with your community as well as help some kids out. You don't have to travel for it, and it creates relationships as well s teaches kids some worthwhile stuff. Other great forms of volunteer work is through local food banks. This is a more typical type of service you can be apart of in a community and doesn't just make you feel good about yourself, but it feeds the hungry and needy. Finally, my most favorite form of community service; volunteering at a local church sponsored Vacation Bible School. This is a place that kids feel at home, they get a snack, and they get a lesson that helps them to distinguish the right from the wrong in their lives. All of these acts are very influential and can have drastically positive impacts on a small community if we continue to stay positive and teach our kids this way. Community service projects have never been frowned upon, and they can have a long lasting, positive impact and effect on a

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