My Hispanic Background

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A hispanic background is important to me because it is an aspect of my life that defines who I am and allows me to have a closer connection with my family. I identify myself as a hispanic american since these are two heritages that I grew up with. Being hispanic has provided me with many experiences, both good and bad, which have contributed to my personality and values. For example, being hispanic has allowed me to see the benefits and value that having an education can provide and also allows me to experience the support that a family can provide. As a result, I am a motivated student and a committed family member and community contributor. Furthermore, I have had many opportunities that allowed me to grow personally and one of things that …show more content…

My first experience that involved contribution to a community was in an organization known as girls as pearls. In this organization we participated in many volunteer activities, both domestic and global such as making dresses for girls in africa or volunteering at the samaritan ministry. Consequently, this early volunteerism experience influenced my involvement in the community as a high school student. I became involved in organizations such as key club, an organization focused in volunteerism. Additionally, I began to tutor middle school students and volunteering at the local church. Many of the volunteer activities that I have participate in involved children and this due to the reason that I want to be able to become a positive guide and role model for children. I want to contribute to their motivation of continuing their education and to reach for goals that they believe they can achieve. As a hispanic american I have been provided the opportunity of experiencing life from two different viewpoints which has provided me with various life lessons that aided in my development in becoming a successful and well- rounded

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