Harriet Tubman Character Analysis

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A man who spent 20 years trying to get home. A father who took his own life for his family. A woman who risked her life to free strangers. True heroes give anything they can for the sake of other, something as small as a helping hand, or something as big as losing their own life. Heroes aren't bullies, they won't push you down just for their entertainment, they will pull you up back onto your feet. There are many types of heroes we all consider, Odysseus and Harriet Tubman are obvious while Rumpelstiltskin isn't as clear to see. Most of the time, heroes are not the stereotypical ones found in stories; real traits that define a hero are love towards one another, selflessness for others, and a strong devotion for what they believe in. Love can create …show more content…

After going through many trials Poseidon threw at him, Odysseus was determined to get home. He was devoted to his home, and he took every chance he had to push himself forward. As Odysseus states “..what i want and all my days i pine for is to go back to my house and see my day of homecoming. And if some God batters me for out on the wine-blue water, I will endure it, keeping Additionally, Rumpelstiltskin spent more than 20 years to find his son, who was stolen from him, never doubting himself. Searching for his lost boy, his determination moved him forward throughout his journey.Harriet Tubman believed that every slave should be free, she took many routes during her journey to find ways for the slaves to escape. Not knowing the way she was going, Tubman was still determined to make it to Canada, she crossed unknown paths beyond Philadelphia to lead the slaves to their freedom and their new homes. Having your mind determined on one thing can venture a journey further ahead than those who go on random will. Determination can lead a hero into the right path, it helps one choose what they want to do and how they're going to do

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