Essay On Harriet Tubman

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In the 19th century, Harriet tubman spent her life helping others in slavery and became a Civil Activist. Being born into slavery, she was strong willed and minded, which was essential to the people who worked with her and helped her. She was not the only abolitionist and could not have done it on her own. She worked with people like Frederick Douglass to help slaves escape into a safe state and used her personal experiences as a slave to help them. Harriet used her capabilities and connections to help find safe houses and establish connections with Americans and other free people that were lenient to the cause. If not for Harriets connections and support from others, she would not have been able to save others from the life she escaped as a young girl. Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in the year 1819. Her parents were slaves to their masters. She was hired as young as 5, being her first job. At 12, she was old enough to work in the fields and received harsh treatment from her masters. When she was going through these various jobs, her christian faith started to grow stronger and it gave her strength and hope in her life. In 1849, she had been working for Edward Bordress along with her brothers and soon her master died. Harriet was worried about being sold into harsh conditions along with her family. She changed her name to Tubman (her husbands last name, John Tubman), helping her disguise herself. She escaped with her two brothers along a trail called the Underground Railway. They travelled along it during the night and escaped to Pennsylvania in 1849. Many individuals offered housing and protection along the way to Pennsylvania. This led to the Underground Railway that saved many African Americans from slavery. The Un... ... middle of paper ... ...was elected president, when he expressed his views on slavery. Tubman served as a nurse and a cook at Fort Monroe in 1961, helping children. In 1963, a proclamation that colored people could enter the army, Tubman enlisted as a leader of 150 army soldiers. She led them to the slaves and freed 750 slaves, making a huge accomplishment in African American successes. Frederick Douglass stood up to the opposition of the people for slavery. In conclusion, Harriet Tubman was one of the most determined participants in the Underground Railway. Her connections with Levi Collins, Frederick Douglass was one of the few that made the Underground Railway more successful. Tubman was not the only significant figure that made a positive difference in the abolition of slavery, but she was one of the most notable ones due to her support in the Underground Railway and the Civil War.

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