Harriet Tubman Qualities

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The fascinating life of Harriet Tubman was truly like no other. Harriet Tubman was an extraordinary female heroine. She was a warrior throughout her life, going through many hardships. She led many fugitives to freedom and was truly fearless. Lastly, she always stood up for herself when it was really needed. The warrior qualities of Harriet were extremely evident throughout her life. Harriet Tubman was always a fighter and a warrior. As a child, her sister Tilly was sold to another plantation, and she fought this with strongest power. One day, a slave overseer threw a brick at Harriet’s head, causing permanent brain damage, but she stayed strong! When Harriet was denied purchasing her freedom, she did not give up and ended up getting her own freedom via the Underground Railroad. When her husband John ended up stealing the money, she kept on fighting and eventually left him for her own sake. On the Underground Railroad, when passengers would try to turn around, she would tell them her motto to “live free or die”, causing them to stay with her. The threat of wanted …show more content…

Because she desperately seeked freedom, she trusted a woman’s direction to go to Dover to get to Philadelphia for freedom. Although she had a fainting spell early on the trip, her imperative need for freedom urged her on. She often traveled back on the Railroad to help more fugitives escape to St. Catherine’s, Canada. Despite dangers of being caught, she would stay out at dark and sing gospel songs to alert the passengers it was time to leave. Slave hunters eventually found where they were located; however, Harriet fearlessly shot then and continued on. While on a train to Canada, slave hunters came on the train; nonetheless, one dies and the other expresses his respect for Harriet. In the end, Harriet Tubman freed 300 slaves from the Underground Railroad, without losing a single one! Harriet Tubman was a conclusively fearless woman in every moment of her

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