Good Eating Habits

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Good Eating Habits

Below are 8 dietary habits, which you should follow:

1. Never Overeat: Overeating is one of the most common and dangerous

dietary habits. It often leads to obesity, which is a factor in many

other diseases. When you eat more, the digestive tract and other

organs get stressed, which can lead to the overworking and weakening

of those areas. Always eat in moderation. In fact, eating small meals

several times a day instead of one or two large meals is probably

better for most people.

2. Never Under Eat : All forms of under eating like skipping meals, or

eating only limited foods will lead to poor nutrition. Which will

eventually lead to health problems due to protein, calorie, vitamin,

or mineral deficiencies. Under eating causes symptoms like lack of

energy and subsequent weakness, malnourishment of internal organs,

skin problems, and hair loss, apart from medical conditions like

anorexia, nervosa and bulimia. So, even if you are on a diet make sure

you follow a plan that does not starve you.

3. Never Eat Late: Grandma's habit of eating dinner before sundown is

actually a very healthy practice. It is best to eat earlier in the

evening, ideally before dark, and not too heavily. You should also

engage in some activity, both mental and physical, after dinner; and

eat very little in the two or three hours before bedtime. If you have

been going to bed on a full stomach, let me tell you it is a very

unhealthy practice. The food just sits there, undigested through the

night, so that when you wake up you feel full and sluggish. So, to add

vitality in your life, start having your meals at the grandma time!

4. Do not follow rigid diet:

You would have come across people who have very rigid eating patterns

and who consume only a limited selection of foods. Though we all have

certain preferences or biases, but following a very rigid diet is

usually not in our best interest. It can lead to serious nutritional

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