Essay About Japanese Language

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How difficult is it to learn Japanese?

Although it is a rather inaccessible language, Japanese enjoy a great appreciation among connoisseurs. Once mastered by the speaker, all your efforts are highly rewarded. The writing Japanese language uses three alphabets: hiragana, katakana and kanji.

Three alphabets-hundreds of meanings

The two systems Kana (hiragana and katakana) have each 48 basic letters; kanji are thousands in number and have known about 2000 to read a general newspaper. Hiragana and katakana are called "syllabary", as each letter is such a syllable. Hiragana and katakana contain the same letters, but writing them is different - forms are more rounded in hiragana as points, while in Kataka are rough. The fundamental difference …show more content…

Thus, there are many ways to show respect for the person speaking, the person spoken or subject. The fundamental distinction is one tripartite: Honorary language (when the action is taken by someone we know), humble language (when talking with someone I know about the action taken by you) and neutral language. Often, these nuances are indicated by the verb forms that may or may use different structure for each of these cases. But politeness it is expressed by other words, from the statement by prefixes and / or suffixes accompanying words or even by changing those …show more content…

For a student wishing to learn Japanese are very important two points. First, it is necessary to set up realistic deadlines for acquiring the desired Japanese language skills. Thus, with each session the student will gain new powers and can even carry basic Japanese conversations right after the first level. Unlike other languages (e.g. English), Japanese cannot be easily used in everyday environments (e.g. living in Japan) until at least two years of study, with the acquisition of at least a thousand kanji without that a foreigner cannot understand Japan "written realities" around him. The second aspect necessary for a student without studying the Japanese language likely to be a futile exercise is work and perseverance. Because the Japanese language cannot be found as easily as other languages - English, French, Spanish, German (in the movies, in articles, on television, in music, literature, etc.), the student must work much more to hold new issues and learn to not forget the ones already

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