Japanese Culture Essay

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Japanese Culture on Gender and Sexuality Recently the concerns of women around their equality in society has become a hotly debated topic in the public spot light. Much of the debate concerns women and the ingrained sexism that permeates most cultures. Many women's activists feel that this ingrained sexism has widened the gap between men and women in a political, social, and economic sense. And for the most part they do have strong evidence to support these claims. Women have suffered through millennia of male dominated societies where treatment of women has been, and in some cases still is, inhuman. Women are treated like subhuman creatures that have only exist to be used for procreate and to be subjugated by men for household use. It has only been very recently that women have become recognized as equals in the eyes of men. Equals in the sense that they have the same political and social rights as males. While the situation has improved, women still have to deal with a male oriented world. Often women in the workplace are thought of as inferior and as a liability. This can be due to concerns about maternity leave, or women with poor leadership skills. But also in part it is due because of the patriarchy that controls all aspects and dynamics of the culture, family, politics, and economy. Even developed countries like The United Kingdom, United States, Germany, and France, could be classified as a patriarchies. These countries may not agree with this notion because of expansive, but not complete changes, that have gradually equalized women in society. However, there are developed countries that openly express a patriarchy and have enacted little societal changes to bring equality to women. Japan is one such country, and t... ... middle of paper ... ... like the one Mr. McLelland wrote strengthen the concept of the collective Japanese tatemae, and how it differs from the collective honne. Over the Years Japan has changed its outlook on women drastically. It has varied in how it views women, and how it treats them. Recent times have seen a restrictions on the equality of women, and a shared male dominated tatemae that permeates all aspects of the Japanese culture. But that doesn't stop the Japanese from continuing to question that status quo, and creative works that push the boundaries are created all the time. Japan’s imagination, to create Anime and films that question the traditional social hierarchy and gender boundaries, identifies Japan to be the hidden(if slightly censored) artists of the world. Constantly creating new works that question and branch off from the social norms of the rest of the world.

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