Definition Of Anger Essay

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The definition of anger is a strong feeling of annoyance or hostility. Anger affects everyone differently, there are some people who rarely get angry, while there are others who are hot headed and get angry fast. Anger can become present when a person lacks needs, such as food, sex, sleep,and other factors. Anger affects more than just a person's mood, it also affects hormone levels, blood pressures, and heart rates. Anger can also cause health problems such as headaches, impaired immune systems,sleeping problems, and problems with digestions. Anger can also affect one psychologically, causing alcoholism, depression, substance abuse, and self-harm. Anger not only affects the person who is angry, but also others around him. When around an angry person it causes others to pick up on the vibe and changes moods, especially if the person lashes out, or takes their anger out on others.
Anger has many negative affects, but oddly enough, it has it’s advantages. Anger can motivate a person to do things that they did not know they could do, for examples, say a teacher tells a young black student in the ghetto that they would never make it nor amount to anything, that …show more content…

Anger can motivate a person to do things that they did not know they could do, for examples, say a teacher tells a young black student in the ghetto that they would never make it nor amount to anything, that negative comment could motivate that young student to do back off, rather then them not showing anger. For example, say a man gets mad at woman during a conversation, if he shows no insight of anger and just smacks the person it would catch her off guard, but if he shows he’s angry then she can defuse the situation before it escalates. Anger can also be a negotiation strategy as well. Say a person is at a restaurant and the food is nasty and cold, when the waiter sees the customer is angry they are more likely to discount the

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