Emotions Revealed By Paul Ekman Summary

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“Emotions revealed” by Paul Ekman examines the individuality of each emotional experience and trying to fit those recent studies with general conclusions which he called "basic emotions". In the book, Dr. Ekman discovered research has allowed him to see that there are seven emotions (themes) with recognizable, facial expression: sadness, anger, surprise, fear, disgust, contempt and happiness. He came up with the ideas of that allow some triggers, called "themes", to become quickly read. Themes are given or selected over the course of human evolution. Ekman shows that emotions are deeply embedded in the human species. He stated that there is a difference between "species-constant learning" and "evolution-based". In the book he answers questions as: What triggers emotions and can we stop them? How does our body signal to others whether we are slightly sad or anguished, peeved or enraged? Can we …show more content…

First, Sadness and agony can be triggered by different types of losses by depression or hopelessness and how the expressions of sadness and agony can cause others to feel concern. As it is not certain whether a person wants others to know how he or she is feeling, Ekman advises us to be aware of when the expression of sadness occurs in others (during a conversation or before) and to be aware of the lack of concern when we express sympathy.
Secondly, Anger is triggered by interference with intentions and goals, disappointment or frustration, depending on an irritable mood or aggressive personality. People may often be fearful before, during or after anger. Ekman argues about different kinds of violence and ways to handle it. Having a discussion with angry individuals depends on the specifics of the situation and

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