Cosmetology Career

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As the years pass by, many types of hair styles have become increasingly popular; such styles include: permed, straightened, undercut, shaved, and dyed. However, recently, most cuts are extremely difficult or even impossible to do without a cosmetologist. One of the many sections of cosmetology is the cutting, styling, and bleaching of hair. To become a cosmetologist you must have a specific type of education. The minimum education required for a cosmetologist is a high school degree as well as enrollment in a cosmetology based technical school (What Kind). Schooling usually takes around one or two years to eventually have a career in this field of cosmetology. In most schools the students are required to buy their own supplies, such as hair-cutting shears (What Kind). During the process of obtaining this education you are required to go to a cosmetology school and gain a license. A requirement for getting into a cosmetology program include: having a high school diploma or GED; as well as being at least sixteen years old. In total, the usual minimum time required in a cosmetology school is a year (Educhoices). When becoming a cosmetologist a person will “have to be a people person, good at listening, as well as being caring. We’re similar to nurses” (Higgins). A person can gain experience for this career by going to a …show more content…

Wade described a typical day as interacting with a lot of people. “There is no typical day” (Higgins). The usual hours that a cosmetologist work can change depending on the place of work, but many cosmetologists work nine to five hours. Wade described the best part of the day for a cosmetologist is giving a cosmetologist what they want, and them being happy with it. On the other hand, “the worst part of the day is when a customer comes in with unrealistic expectations, and having to explain to them what is and isn’t possible”

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