Corn Glyphosate

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Glyphosate is an essence that can alter the chemicals in your body; it is 100% unnatural and unwanted in the human body. The CYP pathway (the pathway that is completely interrupted by glyphosate) is fundamental for keeping our body communicating within itself. When this pathway is harshly interrupted by the glyphosate in GMO’s it can lead to weight gain, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. (CITE) The Genetically modified corn also has a much high amount of Glyphosate. The EPA standards show that the amount of glyphosate should be around .7 ppm; The amount in the man-made corn was 13 ppm (130,000 times higher than what is toxic in water). (CITE). Many scientists have found evidence that shows how the Genetically modified crops can in fact be transferred into the people who eat GMO’s. You are what you eat; it’s a common …show more content…

With the longer span of time involved, and more frequent checks, Seralini was able to make proper connection between the synthetic pesticides and the cancer cells. “Séralini’s study showed that 90-day tests commonly done on GM foods are not long enough to see long-term effects like cancer, organ damage, and premature death. The first tumours only appeared 4-7 months into the study.” His study also showed that the minor discolorations and toxins found within the first study (that were dismissed) Eventually did lead to cancer, organ damage, and premature death. What’s peculiar about Seralini’s study is that it was taken down without a notice or reason. Some believe it was because it was such a massive study that would negatively impact the big BioTech companies, so they were bought out of

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