Glyphosate Research Paper

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The widespread use of glyphosate is contaminating the environment and the food we eat stated louise henault ethier science projects manager at the david suzuki foundation. Glyphosate was created by monsanto employee john e franz in the early 1970s then introduced by monsanto in 1974 .a likely chemical to be carcinogenic to humans.causing an ever growing list of hazardous effects for example, kidney disease.

There is a lot to be known about n- (phosphonomethyl) stycine also known as glyphosate. Its a chemical with an ocean with facts to know about, here are just some. Glyphosate is a broad spectrum herbicide that is now the most used herbicide in world, the active poison in roundup ready ™ or vision ™ . for example the herbicide roundup up ready is used on roundup ready crops that are genetically modified to be resistant to such a pestilential carcinogen. Also, glyphosate has other …show more content…

Also, it currently listed as likely carcinogenic to humans. This cancer causing chemical is used without mercy in the modern day agriculture industry, with it on most pears, plums nectarines and 90% of soybeans. Glyphosate blocks the vitamin a signaling pathways in unborn babies which is critical for proper development, also it is linked to downfall of monarch butterfly populations. Also the cancer causing toxin our food is linked to non hodgkins lymphoma s type a of cancer. This chemical is also linked with inflammatory bowel disease ( leaky gut syndrome) and crippling kidney disease. Rural farming towns in argentina also as the fumigated towns where glyphosate is used significantly high levels had almost double the rates of cancer than normal towns where carcinogenic materials are used at unfortunately high rates. Roundup ready crops have made the spraying of glyphosate or (roundup ready) much simpler and much more extreme. The next paragraph dives into the legality and the legal processes for and against Monsanto's shining

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