The Pros And Cons Of GMO

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Genetically modified? That alone should be a cause for alarm, and have you wondering, what exactly is in this that I am eating? Yet every day millions of American’s choose to load up on food filled with GMO’s, and not even know it. First we must understand what GMO’s are. GMO’s are any organism whose genetics has been altered using genetic engineering. We should not be tampering with nature, and should try to grow organically as much as possible. There has not been enough research on GMO’s to know the potential long term effects it can have on us, so this is why GMO’s should be banned.
To begin, In the U.S.A, Americans have been using genetically modified food since the early 1990’s according to “GMOS” 101 by Alisa Blackwood. The reason for …show more content…

Tom Parrett in the article “GMO SCIENTISTS COULD SAVE US ALL FROM HUNGER, IF WE LET THEM” stated, The United Nations and experts say global food production will have to double by 2050, at which point the world population is expected to have grown from 2 billion today to well beyond 9 billion. That’s just 35 years away, and there will be no new arable land then”. In short, the population is increasing tremendously and we are going to find ourselves with less land to be able to have these massive growing operations. A possibly valid argument, but what about individual farming? Individuals can still farm on their own, and we can prepare for the land problem by reducing the number of preoccupied buildings.
Why we should ban GMO’s? In GMOs 101 Stephen H. Howell, director the Plant Sciences Institute at Iowa State University, stated “Other GM plants, such as Roundup Ready corn, were created to survive the spraying of the herbicide Roundup, which kills weeds and would normally kill the plant, too”. It tells how some crops were made to survive herbicide sprays that would normally kill the plant, like Roundup. Think about that for a minute, the plant can withstand round up, which is deadly to humans, should anyone really be consuming

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