Communication in Business

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Communication in Business Businesses need to communicate with a range of different individuals and organisations. Good communication allows a business to be run efficiently. Method of communication: External communication: This is communication which takes place outside of the business, such as communication to customers or other businesses. Ways of external communication are: e-mail, television, advertisements, magazines, leaflets. Internal communication: This is communication which takes place within the business such as communication between different departments of the business or communication between members of staff. Ways of internal communication are: oral, phones, message boards, e-mail. Open Communication: This is when someone is communicating to a wide range of people in and out the business. Such as oral communication, message boards. Restricted communication: This is obviously communication which is restricted to a few people, such as: private meetings, colleague discussions, e-mail. Formal Communication: This is communication which is generally in letter form and has been recorded, such as a formal warning to an employee. Informal Communication: Communication which is oral such as a conversation over the telephone. Methods of communication used in Sainsbury's: These are methods of communication which is used internally in Sainsbury's these methods can be used between departments and within a single department. Written communication: This is messages written down and passed to a specific member of staff. • E-mails, messages sent through network to a specific person. ... ... middle of paper ... ...e installed on machines a contacts list so e-mails are sent to the correct person and employees being trained in IT to have less human errors. Telephone: More phone lines should be equipped with an answer machine or voicemail service as there is not a person around to always answer the phone so a message can be let. For the business as a whole they could install more telephone lines allowing people to get through directly to the department they want and less lines being engaged. Letters: Letters can be typed so it is easy to read than someone's handwriting and the business can have a mail service so letters can be sent faster to different departments. Also letters can be word processed to give a more professional look with a letter head or watermark and sent by a courier to ensure quick and safe delivery.

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