Catchin Zzzs Research Paper

1449 Words3 Pages

Catchin’ Zzzs

It is estimated that people will spend an average of ⅓ of their lives sleeping. That means for ⅓ of your entire life, you will devote your time to laying in bed trying to get in a few hours of shut-eye. If you’re going to put that much time into sleeping, don’t you want to know how to get the most out of your time between the sheets? Here are a few suggestions on how to improve your quality of sleep and get the most out of that time spent in bed.

How much sleep do you really need? The amount of sleep a person needs is not the same for everyone and can vary based on things like a person’s age, lifestyle, and health. Getting enough sleep every night is important because it will give you the energy you need to successfully …show more content…

One of these activities includes drinking caffeine during the day. Drinking coffee in the morning is perfectly fine. Drinking a soda for lunch would also be okay, but drinking caffeinated drinks should end around that time. You should refrain from drinking caffeinated drinks past 2 pm. This is because caffeine is a stimulant for your body. It will wake up your brain and keep it awake for hours after consumption. This will end up making falling asleep a lot harder and keep you from getting a deep energizing …show more content…

Whether the effect is positive or negative depends on what time of day you workout at. Working out in the morning will positively affect your sleep. Not only will it wake you up and get you energized for the day, but it can also improve the length and quality of your sleep. However, working out at night can negatively affect your sleep by making your body feel too energized and making it hard to fall asleep. Therefore, working out in the morning would be a healthy routine to add to your day to improve sleep, but working out at night should be avoided if

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