The Negative Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

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In the United Kingdom alone, about one-third of the population is sleep deprived (Cho, n.d.). What more when it pertains to the world statistic? From different cultures and beliefs from around the world, people are bounded by an increasing commonality- sleep deprivation. Unfortunately, most of these cases are untreated. In present times, sleeping has been taken for granted to the point that millions are sleeping below the suggested amount. It is a growing concern as people who neglect the proper amount of sleep now start at a very early age. People assume that sleeping is simply a regenerative process in which hours of present sleep can be gained from hours lost.
Contrary to what most people assume, the negative effects of sleep deprivation accumulate when the number of lacking hours of sleep of an individual is not consistent on a day-to-day basis. In fact, researchers claim that the majority of people need seven to eight hours of sleep to function in their optimal level (Brody, n.d.). By optimal, it is assumed that these individuals are able to get the most out of the “daily grind” and are able to maximize their potential through their daily activities. Getting the right amount of sleep is just as important as, say, eating the right balance of food. People are able to function, but not in a maximized manner, when the right amount of sleep is not ingested.
Sleeping is a complex process that greatly affects an individual’s well-being. There exists within each person a natural body clock which allows one to operate at a 24 hour cycle. In relevance, the body clock iswhat instinctively determines the cycle of sleep and awake time of a person. This relates to sleep because the issues that affect one’s body clock has a connection ...

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...ity. Sleeping, as well, is coined by experts as our body’s source of rejuvenation. It is also notable stating that the effects of not getting enough sleep may impact each individual differently, so to further expound on how to roughly gauge if a person indeed has gotten the right amount of sleep, he/she must basically not feel sleepy when he wakes up, and start the day with the right amount of energy while slowly winding down as the day passes as the person slowly approaches bedtime (Peri, n.d.).
Overall, sleep improves the quality of one’s life. Sleep is the very essence of what keeps us moving forward. There won’t be any waking without sleeping, and with that said, sleep allows us to indulge at a privilege naturally given to us – rest. Although insomnia would occur from time to time, may it be one’s aim for holistic development through appropriate amount of sleep.

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