Becoming A Cosmetologist

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Have you ever thought about what you want do in the future? Well I have always thought about what I want to be and what I would like to do. I would love to be a cosmetologist. I’d love to be a cosmetologist because on my freetime I enjoy hairstyling. This career is also very active what I mean by very active is that most of the time it is busy and you will be standing up most of the time you are working. These are the reasons why I would love to be a cosmetologist in the future. Technology would help and hinder my future plans because by the time I open up my own salon, and I am the owner of it. Technology will be very accurate although it is already accurate it will be even more accurate than what it already is. There could possibly be an application where people can submit an appointment instead of calling and stopping the hair stylist from what they are doing. I think this is what technology can help for my future plans. Another way that technology can help and hinder my future plans is that …show more content…

The reason why I say robots is because robots are automatic which uses technology. The robots can bring the items that the hairstylist needs. For instance, if I need hair rollers, I can just tell a robot to bring the hair rollers, and the robot will bring it for me within the moment that I need it. This is the last way that I would say that technology can help and hinder my future plans for when I become an owner of a Hair Salon. In conclusion, these are the three reasons why I think that technology can help and hinder my future plans. Having an app that way people can schedule an appointment whenever they need it. Also by having a machine that will charge you at the cashier without having a person be there. The last way is robots, robots that way it can bring the items that I need to do my job. These are my reasons why I think that technology will help and hinder my future

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