Analyzing Tom Petty's Song 'Free Fallin'

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The song “Free Fallin” by Tom Petty is one of his most famous tracks. Not only was it his most popular track but, this song was very popular and still is. The way Tom and Jeff wrote the lyrics to this song has a pretty funny story behind it. The song was of course written by Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne. The song was produced in only two days which is pretty amazing. The way Tom and Jeff wrote the lyrics to this song has a pretty funny story behind it. When it came to Tom Petty’s lyrics he always had something to relate his songs to. In the song, “Free Fallin”, the lead vocalist was Tom Petty who also played the 12-string acoustic guitar. Mike Petty was on the electric guitar, Phil Jones on the drums, and lastly Jeff Lynne as the backup vocalist …show more content…

There are many hidden meanings and phrases throughout the song. In the song he mentions a good girl and bad boy while comparing these people to ideas contrasting the difference of the two people. Also, Tom Petty references his homeland, Los Angeles and the Valley in Southern California. For example, he mentions “The Valley” and “Ventura Boulevard” in his lyrics. Petty really wants to paint a scenario in the listener’s head. The lyrics paint a picture as well as a story. My opinion on the lyrics is that this bad boy fell for the good girl and he wants her back even though they broke up. He is trying to get his lyrics to be relatable to older and younger audiences through the lyrics and the melody of the song. In the middle of the song the lyrics tell the listener that the boy leaves the girl behind for his freedom. He states in the song “I’m Free” and “I’m Free Fallin” in my opinion these lyrics mean he is affected by the breakup and it is making him feel out of control. At the end of the song the bad boy seems to change his mind about the breakup. The lyrics were “I wanna write her name in the sky” showing how he is still affectionate towards her. This is just my analysis on the song lyric and meaning behind the

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