Ad Analysis Essay: The Blushed Nudes Print Advertising

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“Dare to go nude.” is the first eye catching phase on Maybelline New York’s new The Blushed Nudes print ad. Sightly above this in a smaller font in bright pink letters is “All blushed. Never hushed.” showing though this subliminal message how sex does indeed sell. Soft dewy lips call the attention to the models face leading the reader's gaze to her sparkling but nude colored smoky eye. This ad argues that nude colors are no longer ordinary, typical, and bland colors made for “girl next door” type, but that nude colors are bold, confident, and sexy like the women who wear them.
The word choice the ad develops the indication of double meanings and the scandalous nature that goes with it, starting with the main phrase “Dare to go nude.” This has …show more content…

Along the bottom and side of the ad the luminescent eye shadows are supersized and crumbling working the reader's eye up the face. All of the lettering is white near the eye to provide contrast to the models darker skin and dark brown hair. The model's eyes are in stronger contrast to the rest of the ad to draw the reader's eye to these provocative features. The model herself plays into the motif of sex as she stares out to the observer with Marilyn Monroe's classic bedroom eyes, a slight squinting look with an implication of a little something else. Marilyn Monroe, a woman who was confident with herself and her body, was classic sex icon of her day even extending into now. This look is reminiscent of confidence, glamor and the innuendo of a good time reiterating the scandalous nature of the …show more content…

They are lighter, also in a neutral shade to bring circularity to the intended product, and they are dewy and plump. This also causes them to stand out against the models skin. The model also has her finger up to them with her mouth slightly open as if she was telling the observer a secret or to hush. A sexy and seductive look for a secret only the reader gets to know. As taboo as it tends to be to talk about sex in America but how easy it is to find its implications in everyday life it is only fitting that it seems the Model has America's dirty little secret resting on her lips; sex.
Though there is an implied lust throughout, this ad is targeted for women and not men. The allure of the ad is not to have the reader attracted to the model but want to be the model. The ad shows that with this product the everyday women can still have a feminine side with nude colors but also make a bold statement. The product not only shows that this makeup is for the women who is looking to be bold, but that it can also create help sextual

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