Yuma, Arizona Essays

  • Yuma: Beginning Anew

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    20, 2013 Yuma: Beginning Anew What do many people typically think when they hear of Yuma, Arizona? The vast majority of people would think that Arizona itself is just a desert region that greatly resembles an old western movie. On the contrary, however, Arizona -especially Yuma-, is a beautiful place that has invaluable history with the Native American tribes in the area and military history going back to WWII with General Patton and his troops with the Yuma Proving Grounds and Yuma Air Station

  • The Yuma Territorial Prison As A Beacon Of Civilization

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    The Yuma Territorial Prison is one of the main pillars in the growth of Arizona as the wild west was tamed. Its existence served not only as a beacon of civilization but that of consequence for those who resisted human expansion’s natural progression. As it existed many thought of it as a joke giving those inside the easy life or the likes of a concentration camp but in the middle of civilian held war, the prison stood toward the future. From near modern advances to holding those refusing to be held

  • Hispanic Culture

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    & Hattwick, 1992). All cultures may encounter challenges with the media and society of how their beliefs and values are represented. There are several factors that resemble how cultural values influence a culture, more specifically the Hispanic culture in Yuma, AZ. Some of those factors are, the expression of their individual and collective identity through communication, cultures identity expressed though the mass media channels, examples of the value orientations that influence the groups communications

  • Impact of Irrigation on Arizona's Economy and Land Use

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    Irrigation has changed Arizona a lot economically wise and land use, irrigation is an important factor to Yuma. It brought people here for jobs and that lead to Yuma making more houses which brought up the economy and had more land to plant agricultural crops like vegetables and fruits, irrigation basically improved Arizona. Irrigation is a successful project, the Yuma project helped field workers and help year round farming conditions like the dry soil/ dry land it gave people more jobs to provide

  • Early Arizona Women Teachers

    2137 Words  | 5 Pages

    Early Arizona Women Teachers At the end of the nineteenth century, Arizona was not a state, merely a territory, with a fledgling government and an even more rudimentary school system. Great distances separated people and often the eight children required to start a school and hire a teacher could not be gathered in an area. When they could, however, the teacher was often in for a surprise. Holding school in old saloons, carrying water to the schoolhouse every day, having to use turned over barrels

  • Irrigation In Yuma

    1618 Words  | 4 Pages

    irrigation has caused many things to happen in Yuma County. There was several events that happened due to the irrigation that caused Yuma to grow more and more. Therefore Yuma’s irrigation changed a lot, the developers had challenges they had to face, different groups in Yuma had to face the Yuma Project changing things, and also technology changed Yuma in many ways. In this essay, you will learn about the events and why some of these events were important to Yuma Counties irrigation system. The irrigation

  • Surviving and Rebuilding: The Devastating Impacts of Floods

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    safer place. One of the challenges are that People would have to use boats to get around and find other people that need help with getting to a safer place. Another challenge is that the floods are getting bigger and most, if not all the people of Yuma have to get to a safer area or the floods will hurt or if not kill them. After the flood dies down, they would have to rebuild everything all over again making it a challenge for them because every time there is a flood

  • The Devil's Highway by Luis Alberto Urrea

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    Six Deadly Sins Under what circumstances would you go through to better and provide for your family? Would you embark on these six deadly sins above to just get a simple loaf of bread on the table? There is no solid blame or black and white definite answer throughout this novel, The Devil’s Highway. The author Luis Alberto Urrea takes his readers to different perspectives and offers different points of view whether you appear to be a walker, coyote, or the border control on the topic of illegal

  • A Gringo In The Lettuce Fields Summary

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    Lettuce Fields,” Gabriel Thompson not only writes about his undercover observance of the strenuous and intensive labor of a specific latino community, but also physically participates in the fieldwork that this community is involved with in Yuma Arizona. In Thompson’s article he achieves a strong awareness while immersed with the community and their work, which leads Thompson to understand their struggle between american acceptance and the overall merciless labor. I can agree to my capacity

  • Irrigation Affected Yuma

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    How has irrigation affected Yuma? Well, irrigation has completely changed Yuma. The reason why is because before irrigation Yuma was a complete nothing. No one really knew what Yuma was before irrigation. No one wanted to live here. Yuma’s crops were dry because there really was not crops growing. Irrigation affected farmers. The reason why is because farmers were losing money because their crops were not growing due to lack of water. Now that we have irrigation farmers can irrigate their fields

  • Arizona Essay

    2942 Words  | 6 Pages

    History Arizona has first been explored by a European in 1539. In this year, Marcos de Niza, from Spain, explored parts of the area of Arizona. The area which is now known as Arizona was then inhabited by indigenous peoples like the Hopi and the Navajo. Marcos de Niza had met another peoples of the area; the Sobaipuri. There was a legend about the wealthy seven cities of Cibola; seven cities that would be in possession of valuable treasures. Marcos de Niza was informed about Cibola by an Indian informer

  • The Arizona Constitution

    1739 Words  | 4 Pages

    Arizona Statehood and Constitution Arizona’s Constitution was written sometime in 1910; amended, ratified, and approved by Congress in 1911. Then Arizona became the 48th state and the last adjoining state to be welcomed in the Union; on February 14, 1912. Since then the citizens of Arizona has amended their Constitution many times. The Constitution consists of thirty articles. There were quite a lot of events that impacted the process of Arizona becoming its own state. The first section will examine

  • Navajo Water Rights

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    discuss cases, compacts, and acts that effect the integrity of Navajo Nation water rights for past, present, and future claims. Background The Navajo Nation is located in the southwest spanning across the Northwest corner of New Mexico, Northern Arizona, and the Southeast corner of Utah. It is over 27,000 sq. miles, roughly the s... ... middle of paper ... ...ajo Nation." Navajo Area Office. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. . (tags: none | edit tags) Navajo Nation Economic Development . "Where

  • The Gunslinger Hero

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    Somewhere out in the Old West wind kicks up dust off a lone road through a lawless town, a road once dominated by men with gun belts attached at the hip, boots upon their feet and spurs that clanged as they traversed the dusty road. The gunslinger hero, a man with a violent past and present, a man who eventually would succumb to the progress of the frontier, he is the embodiment of the values of freedom and the land the he defends with his gun. Inseparable is the iconography of the West in the imagination

  • fdsa

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    The controversy surrounding the 78th Texas Legislature between the Democratic and Republican Party state representations and senators was that there was an attempt to redistrict the recently redrawn congressional districts. This issue of, “redistricting” was indorsed by the Republican Party. The endorsement of “redistricting,” wasn’t surprising considering that the Republican Party had just won the Texas state legislature for the first time since Reconstruction. The Republican Party’s position on

  • The Road Trip

    578 Words  | 2 Pages

    there and he loaded the car up with mounds of toys and snacks of sticky cotton candy to keep the kids busy during the ride. At last, they were on their way across the never-ending state of Texas. The family would be passing through New Mexico and Arizona to get to California. Baby Trinity started to get cranky. Something was bothering her but no one could figure out what it was. Trinity was crying so loud she woke up the roosters. Joey tried, unsuccessfully to calm her down. He was making funny

  • The Misrepresentation Of Native Americans In Video Games

    810 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Misrepresentation of Native Americans in Video Games It has been a while since a movie depicting wrongful images of Native American has been developed. This would continuously happen about 70 years ago in cookie cutter Western films in which Indians would often be represented as barbaric, savage, and non-human. With time, these films became bland and repetitive; as a result of this, less and less money was profited with every passing Western film made. Propitiously enough we have abandoned

  • Jim Jarmusch’s Film Deadman, as a Manipulated Western

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    Jim Jarmusch’s Film Deadman, as a Manipulated Western Director Jim Jarmusch’s film Deadman displays many of the accepted conventions for Western genre films, but manipulated in such a way as to create a revisionist, rather than a classical, western. The most obvious example of this manipulation are the characterizations of the hero, William Blake, and his Native American partner, Nobody. Blake is an awkward easterner who travels westward unaware of the different rules governing western life

  • Computer Science at the University of Arizona

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    The University of Arizona's Computer Science Department is a quality research program. The most recent National Research Council rankings place the department 33rd out of 108 PhD-granting institutions nationwide, despite the fact that we are a comparatively small department. In addition, we are the best Computer Science department of our size among publicly funded Universities, with the highest in number of citations (references) per faculty, and 17th overall in the number of publications per faculty

  • How To Write An Essay On Arizona Essay

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    Arizona Devonna Granacki-Bluhm Arizona became a state in 1912. Arizona is the 48 state. Arizona is a large state that is located is the south western part of the United States. Arizona has 6 interstate highways within the state. Arizona is part of the Four Corners. I t is the only place in the United States where the boundaries of four states meet. The capital of Arizona is Phoenix. Arizona has the largest U.S Indian populations. There are more than 14 tribes that are represented on 20 reservations