Wisconsin Dells Essays

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To Wisconsin Dells

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    This summer I decided to do Eastside volleyball club with Kelsey, Sophie, and Emily. My team decided to go to Wisconsin Dells for a volleyball tournament. We all stayed at a hotel with a great water park in it called Chula Vista, which isn't that popular but it was fun. Chula Vista was fun because they had many fun and big slides that I did with my team. Everyone also got to play volleyball in a big dome. I'm pretty sure everyone on our team had fun. The first night, I got there at about 6:00

  • Personal Narrative: My Vacation To Wisconsin Dells

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    more than bravery will (James Stephens). On my first vacation to Wisconsin Dells in the winter of twenty-twelve, I went on an obstacle course that was above a blinding arcade. Walking across the different ledges and ropes was terrifying, but I did not let that stop me from trying. Now I know fear is not something that should hold me back, but something to push me forward. It is the last day of my family vacation at Wisconsin Dells, and we decide to go on an obstacle course. The course is on the third

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Taking A Trip To Wisconsin Dells

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    vacation to Wisconsin Dells. With 24 people sleeping underneath the large, green-shingled, and log cabin roof arguments were bound to transpire. Along with arguing, we would run out of pizza, and someone always seemed to bang his or her head or fall. While no major injuries ever occurred or at the Dells, our idiotic jokes showed the true love and meaning of family. Besides this summer trip, the only time the entire family was together again was holidays. Something special was always at the Dells, but for

  • The Culture Of The Native American Culture In Wisconsin

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    Wisconsin is a state rich with culture, with each and every culture celebrated. One of the most important cultures within Wisconsin is the Native American culture. This state was even named using the Ojibwe language. “Wishkongsing” is the Ojibwe name for the Wisconsin River and also where the name of our great state came from. There are several tribes present in Wisconsin besides the Ojibwe: the Menominee, Ho-Chunk, and Potawatomi tribes. The Menominee, or “wild rice people,” are the original inhabitants

  • Porcupines

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    each front foot and five toes on each hind foot. Porkies are the second-largest rodent in Wisconsin after the North American beaver. They can weigh 30 pounds or more in summer but their weight drops dramatically during the lean months of winter. Porcupines live in the northern two-thirds of the state in a territory that extends in a V-shape from about the Ellsworth area in Pierce County down to Wisconsin Dells and back up toward Green Bay. Porcupines, like most rodents, are vegetarians. Their winter

  • Dell Computer Sustainability Performance Metrics

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    Dell Computer Sustainability Performance Metrics Dell Computer Corporation is the world’s largest supplier of personal computers (Fleming, 2006). Dell’s goal is to be “the greenest technology company on the planet” (Ball, 2008, p. 1). Hence, Dell, like many corporations today, establish sustainability initiatives to persuade regulators, stakeholders, and consumers of their commitment to protect society and the environment. However, companies must support these claims with tangible performance

  • Managerial Accounting

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    Simply stated, the financial accountant is the number cruncher while the managerial accountant is the analyzer. However, it is not that simple. Most experts are fairly consistent with their definitions of what the financial accounting entails, however, defining managerial accounting appears to be opinion dependent. As the population of the occupation grows so does the defined responsibilities involved. The general consensus of financial accounting is that it reports past results using historical-cost

  • Dell Laptop Computer

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    Research Project My choice selection between the two computers was the Dell laptop. I currently own a desktop computer, which I use quite frequently, but sometimes I wish I can pick it up and take it wherever I go. The laptop is light, portable, and great for traveling. Although the laptop is more expensive than the desktop, I think it’s worth the higher price for the simple fact that it’s portable.# The category that I chose was the Multimedia/Video. In choosing the laptop and the multimedia category

  • Dell's E-Commerce Model

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    and imitated as any e-commerce model. Dell's online sales channel has proven so successful, says Allen that the computer industry must ask: "Does the consumer need to go to the store to buy a PC anymore?" Regardless of the company's past success, Dell is affected by two current trends in e-commerce, says Forrester analyst Carrie Johnson. And only one of these trends works in the PC giant's favor. The early adopters were always comfortable buying PCs online, she notes, but the general public has

  • Dell Marketing Strategy

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    Appropriate marketing strategy are needed to reach potential customer. Different type of customer need different type of marketing strategy. There are different type of marketing strategy that can be implement to final consumer & households or corporate buyers. Appropriate marketing strategy is needed to reach final consumers or households. Basically, this type of customer buy product and services in the category of nice-to-have, and often to improve their quality of life. Individual consumer

  • Sony's Position Within The Computer Industry

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    After careful research, we feel that in order for Sony to advance its position within the computer industry, they will need to consider reevaluating the current advertising and marketing plan to better inform consumers about the advantages of owning a Sony. We found that consumers were overall satisfied with Sony’s VAIO series. The prevailing issue that we discovered was that consumers were not familiar enough with Sony’s products. The lack of knowledge has led consumers to develop their own assumption

  • Hosting Foreign Exchange Students

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    3 short weeks you can become very attached to someone. Tijana's stay with us was also short as she was not a good match in our home. Tijana moved out of our home in October to stay with a family from her home county who now resided in Franklin, Wisconsin. We did have the pleasure of having Anna stay with us a whole school year. Anna and I spent many evenings doing her homework together for the two English classes she decided to take. One of her first writing assignments was to write a two page

  • Formal Learning Vs Informal Learning

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    When we think of zoos many people think of a fun place where you go to look at exotic animals with friends or family. Although, this is true, there is much more to zoos then the average person might believe. If one explores further and thinks harder about what a zoo really is, one might come to conclusion that it is in fact an informal learning space. Informal learning spaces are places where people gather other than the regular classroom setting to learn.(Siebert-Evenstone,2016) One of the main

  • Sophies Heart/By Lori Wick

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    Sophie's Heart, by Lori Wick, is the story of Sophie, an educated young woman who moves from her homeland, Czechoslovakia, to America where she becomes a housekeeper for a loneyly young widower and his three children. This book takes place mainly in Wisconsin in the 1990's. Sophie moved from Czechoslovakia to American and became employed as a housekeeper for Alec Riley. She grew to love his three children and gradually her love extended to Alec himself, who returned her love with his own. Near the end

  • Harley-Davidson Inc.

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    Harley-Davidson Inc. Celebrating their 100th anniversary next year, Harley-Davidson is a true American success story. From their modest beginnings in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to one of the most recognized company names worldwide, they have been passionate about motorcycles. Harley offers an experience like none other with the one of a kind look, feel, and sound only available on a Harley. Besides their main business of building and selling motorcycles, they have began to offer financing and insurance

  • John Muirs Trail In History

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    “fond of everything that was wild”(My Boyhood and Youth 30) and took great pleasure in the outdoors. In 1849, Muir and his family emigrated to Wisconsin to homestead. The great forests of Northern United States captivated him and fueled his desire to learn more. Muir later enrolled in courses in chemistry, geology, and botany at the University of Wisconsin. After his education, Muir began working in a factory inventing small machines and contraptions. However, a serious working accident in the factory

  • The Deer Hunt

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    particular hunting spots. Three inches of fresh snow fell last night, creating a blanket of freshness that reflects the last rays of moonlight. As we drive into our property we see fresh deer tracks and my heart starts pumping, I have been away from Wisconsin for a few months and this morning is the first time I entered these woods since September. A few hundred yards into the woods we jump three deer walking the road. They bound off into the darkness in flashes of brown silhouetted by snow. We park.

  • After Cancer

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    catheter is removed, weekly blood draws cease, and the wigs are tucked away in the back of a closet. A cancer survivor may leave weekly trips to the cancer clinic behind, but late effects can linger for years afterwards. Kathy Steindorf, 43, of Wisconsin, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease at 38. Four years after entering remission, she began having nightmares that jolted her from sleep to sheet-soaking sweats. “I woke up from the nightmares with a cold fear,” she said. “I came to a point where

  • Harry Houdini

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    had many problems in Hungary and came to Wisconsin. The Weiss family joined Rabbi Weiss in Appleton, Wisconsin, where he led a small Reform congregation. At age nine, Ehrich and some neighborhood friends establish a five-cent circus. Wearing red woolen stockings, he bills himself as "Ehrich, The Prince of the Air." (Timeline 1874 1) Harry Houdini lived a very rough childhood. His father had failure after failure. Since Weiss couldn’t survive in Wisconsin, he brought Erich with him to New York City


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    MICHAEL CAIN Michael Cain is an attorney for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) and he came to talk to us about the evolution of the public trust doctrine in Wisconsin dealing with navigable water and current development issues related to the public trust. The doctrine states that a sizable body of common law has developed which holds that all navigable waters are held in trust by the state for the public and through the DNR Department of Justice and District Attorneys they