Wheeling Jesuit University Essays

  • Restaurant Evaluation Research Paper

    1090 Words  | 3 Pages

    Evaluation I chose four different local restaurants of Wheeling, WV. These particular four restaurants had similar ratings and are well known by many people. Often, these four restaurants can be among the favorite restaurants of many people. Therefore, I wanted to evaluate them against my criteria to see which restaurant is actually the best. Avenue Eats Avenue Eats is an American restaurant located near Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, West Virginia. They are well known for their burgers

  • A Problem-Based Approach to Teaching about Pollution

    2052 Words  | 5 Pages

    perspectives of web-enhanced problem-based learning environment: A qualitative inquiry.” 23 April 2003. EBSCOHOST. The College of New Jersey Lib. 05 Feb. 2005. Problem-Based Learning. 04 March 2003. Center for Educational Technologies at Wheeling Jesuit University. 05 Feb. 2005. <http://www.cotf.edu/ete/teacher/teacherout/html>. Uyeda, Steve, et al. “Solving Authentic Science Problems: Problem based learning connects science to the world beyond school.” Science Teacher. 69.1 (Jan. 2002):

  • Physical Therapy Career Paper Examples

    1351 Words  | 3 Pages

    Debbie received her Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Therapy from The Ohio State University. Over the course of her career, she has worked at many different hospitals in the Ohio Valley. Even though she had opportunities to work in private clinics and bigger hospitals in more populated areas, she never wanted to leave the small town feel

  • The Necessity of Animal Captivity

    903 Words  | 2 Pages

    Animal captivity is a much discussed issue for both its benefits and detriments to the animals. Many people view animal captivity as a harm and believe that it should be stopped; however, what is not taken into account is its benefits. Animal captivity aids both animals and humans in multiples ways, but the majority of help animal captivity offers is through preservation of animal species, and education benefits that zoos and aquariums represent to man. The preservation of animals must continue so

  • Social Dimensions Of Hurricane Katrina

    1624 Words  | 4 Pages

    Yingying Xu 260607840 Hurricane Katrina: Social and ecological dimensions of a ‘natural’ disaster Topic description Hurricane Katrina was one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. It raged on Monday, August 29th 2005, carrying with a storm surge that submerged most of New Orleans. Overall, at least 1,836 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods; and the total property damage was estimated at $108 billion. New Orleans has a unique topography, its elevation

  • Yale Sexual Misconduct Summary

    1395 Words  | 3 Pages

    Liena Vayzman, Laura Wexler and Shirley McCarthy, detail the sexual misconduct policy at Yale University and the effects it has had on the school. Sexual misconduct is a problem that has been plaguing college campuses for decades and as stated by the authors, most universities don’t know how to define sexual misconduct. This means that they cannot properly handle the issue they’re faced with. Yale University was faced with this problem and changed their sexual misconduct policy to better handle the

  • Unsustainable Fishing Practices: Impact on Coral Reefs

    1671 Words  | 4 Pages

    damselfish increase the number of pockets in coral, creating more crevices where algae can grow. This creates a positive feedback loop, which further encourages and attracts damselfish to use corals as grounds for breeding and feeding (Wheeling Jesuit University, 2004). Overfishing ... ... middle of paper ... ...detrimental to the long-term survival of many species. For instance, overfishing is removing keystone species in a coral reef environment, such as parrotfish. Parrotfish are herbivores

  • Taiga Biome

    1362 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Taiga Biome is a large, naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major part of both Siberia and North America. It is usually found at high elevations at more temperate latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the largest terrestrial biome on earth, covering around 50 million acres of land (NP, UC Santa Barbara). It is known for its subarctic climate that ranges between -51 to -1 °C in the winter and -21 to 7 °C in the summer. The two main season found in the taiga are summer

  • Media Portrayal of Female and Male Body Image

    3532 Words  | 8 Pages

    Body image is a hot topic in the media. Unrealistic and unattainable are words that can be used to describe images in the media. Skinny, waif-like women and muscular, Rambo-like men are the idolized body images portrayed. In the media female models keep getting thinner and thinner while men keep getting more muscular. Many say the media and its depictions of the ideal body weight created the problems of low self-esteem, eating disorders, poor body concepts, and sexism through spotlighting