Von Willebrand factor Essays

  • Von Willebrand Disease Research Paper

    987 Words  | 2 Pages

    Von Willebrand Disease Von Willebrand Disease or VWD for short is the most common inherited bleeding disorder, affecting more than 1% of the world’s population. It was discovered by Dr. Erik Von Willebrand, a Finnish physician, who published his findings in 1926. Von Willebrands Disease is caused by the lack of Von Willebrand Factor or VWF in circulation in the body. Von Willebrand is described as: Von Willebrand Factor is synthesized in two cell types, vascular endothelium and megakaryocytes. The

  • Von Willebrand Disease

    1027 Words  | 3 Pages

    (3). B. Did you come across any other names for the disease, gene or protein? List them. Other names that this disease is denoted are angiohemophilia, vascular pseudohemophilia, von Willebrand disorder or von Willebrand factor deficiency, type 1, type 2 or type3 (4). C. What are the symptoms? Common symptoms of von Willebrand disease are extremely long excessive

  • Hemophilia Essay

    869 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hemophilia is an inherited disease which slows the blood clotting process due to missing or reduced clotting factor proteins. Although uncommon, it is possible for Hemophilia to be acquired if the body produces antibodies that attack clotting factors. Only 30% of Hemophilia cases are due to spontaneous mutations. Hemophilia is a rare disorder. Approximately 1 in 5000 males has Hemophilia. The disorder is much more common in males than females. It is estimated that over 400000 individuals worldwide

  • Bioinformatics: Questions and Answers

    1382 Words  | 3 Pages

    Topic 1: Navigating and Understanding NCBI Database In a few sentences, explain why bioinformatics is such an important discipline for understanding gene structure and function. Bioinformatics is very update with the information about the gene structure and function. It can locate a gene within a sequence as well as predict the structure and or function of a particular gene. By applying bioinformatics to understand different biological processes, it allows a more global perspective in design, to

  • The Blood Type Of Blood

    1105 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction There are a lot of important details and information healthcare provider should know about patient before performing any procedure or prescribing drug. One of such piece of information is a blood type. First blood groups were discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1901. Landsteiner was researching the fact that some blood transfusions were successful and other could be potentially lethal. He made a research where he demonstrated that the serum from one people lead to agglutination of blood

  • Conclusion Of Inflammation And Infection

    632 Words  | 2 Pages

    detected pressure as pain or pressure or be asymptomatic. To minimize bleeding, the damaged capillary endothelium will releases endothelin, a hormone that causes narrowing of the blood vessels. As the endothelium is destroyed, the underlying von Willebrand factor which is a blood glycoprotein is exposed and initiates coagulation, which creates a temporary clot to plug the wound and eventually leads to restoration of normal tissue.

  • Understanding the Clotting Cascade: A Life-saving Process

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    vein. If we don’t have these clotting factors or clotting cascade it can lead to serious consequences such causing bleeding out eventually leading to death as shown in haemophilia. The clotting cascade consists of primary and secondary haemostasis. Primary haemostasis being the formation vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation at the site of injury and secondary haemostasis being the formation of a clot. In more detail, it starts off with binding of tissue factor VIIa which initiates the coagulation

  • Compare And Contrast Leah's Symptoms And The Autopsy Findings Consistent With Shaken Baby Syndrome

    1909 Words  | 4 Pages

    quite common since they don’t have much knowledge about modern medical science and practice things that causes them to pass down the diseases without trying to prevent it. Genetic liver diseases inhibit the natural functioning of blood clotting factors. Thus weakening the body and causing easy bruising. Leah’s brother was active and got bruised easily when he was young. Similarly, Leah, a 4 month old also had the same problem. This suggests that the Millers might have had some kind of genetic liver

  • Pathophysiology Behind Labor Pain Case Study

    2450 Words  | 5 Pages

    clear either. One key source is the distention of the lower uterus and cervix. The pain is more intense as the contractions are stronger. The stronger the contraction the stronger the pressure exerted. Uterus ischemia is thought to be less likely of a factor because blood flow is increased during contractions. There are however several chemical nociceptive mediators that may play a role. These include bradykinins, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, serotonin, lactic acid, and substance P. A uterine contraction