Victor Lewis-Smith Essays

  • Snapchat Monologue

    1486 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Lara you should get Snapchat it's really addicting”. Oh. My. Gosh, I hear it all the time: Snapchat this, Snapchat that. UGHHH. Dara keeps talking, but I'm debating what I should do. Should I do what I'm not supposed to do and get the disgusting feeling of guilt at the end, or not do it and live with it like that for the rest of my life? RINGGG. The sound of the bell echoed throughout the hallway. “Sorry, got to go to class,” “Okay, bye,” “Lara, what's the answer to 3x < 7+3?". Oh my, I was thinking

  • Investigation of Jack the Ripper

    1431 Words  | 3 Pages

    were accused of being Jack the Ripper, these men were, Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward (known as "Eddy" to his friends) is one of the most famous suspects in the Jack the Ripper case, over the years, different versions of his personality, mental stability, and manner of death have appeared. Prince Albert Victor was born in 1864, his father was Prince Albert Edward and his mother was Queen Victoria. Prince Albert Victor was a slow child and grew up to be a rather dull adult. There were

  • The Significance of Explicit Communication of Therapist’s Values in Therapy

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    com/pub_downloads/VALUES_IN_COUNSELING_AND_PSYCHOTHERAPY.pdf. Rosenthal, D. (1955). Changes in some moral values following psychotherapy. Journal of consulting psychology, 19(6), 431-6. Retrieved from Smith, A. (2000). The inescapably ethical character of psychotherpy. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.. Retrieved from

  • Jack The Ripper

    1489 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout life we find there are many nightmares, many dark alleys, and many monsters under our beds and in our closets. The world has a dark side. There are people who scare, harm, rape and kill for fun and pleasure. Most of these people will get caught but there are many who won’t and never have. One of the world’s most evil man was never caught. Back in 1888 in the east end of London this man strangled and mutilated as many as thirty woman. This man is known today as Jack the Ripper. Jack the

  • Animal Farm: Communism Through The Eyes Of George Orwell

    2476 Words  | 5 Pages

    and revolutions going on in Europe and Russia at the time of his writings. George Orwell was a Socialist2 himself, and he despised Russian Communism3, and what it stood for. Orwell shows this hatred towards Communist Russia in a letter he wrote to Victor Gollancz saying, "For quite fifteen years I have regarded that regime with plain horror."4 Orwell wrote this letter in 1947, ten years after announcing his dislike of Communism. However, he had thought a great deal about Communism and what he disliked

  • Defense of Her Majesty and the Church of England in The Faerie Queene

    2884 Words  | 6 Pages

    of eliminating the need for multiple caveats stating that the ideas herein are an interpretation of Spenser's beliefs. That being said, Spenser's multi-layered allegory sets him apart as perhaps the first Anglican Apologist, in whose footsteps C.S. Lewis would later follow with his own deeply symbolic tales. That Spenser displayed the literary and imaginative prowess to lay down so many layers of richly crafted allegorical fabric has made The Faerie Queene a work for the ages, both as lessons in English

  • The Special Olympics

    2697 Words  | 6 Pages

    Abstract: The Special Olympics not only give special athletes athletic skills, they offer more opportunity, encouragement, and dexterity to survive in society than the public school system alone. To understand the differences and similarities between handicapped athletes and their non-handicap peers is the first step in creating a program that best meets the child's needs. There were no community programs that catered to the mentally and physically challenged, so Eunice Kennedy-Shriver created "special

  • Benny Goodman, King of Swing

    2389 Words  | 5 Pages

    Benjamin David Goodman was born in Chicago on May 30, 1909, the ninth of twelve children born to David and Dora Goodman, who both emigrated from Russia but met in America. David Goodman eked out a minimal living for his family by working for a tailor in a sweatshop. To help alleviate the family’s poverty, the children were urged to work as soon as they were old enough. For entertainment, David would take his youngest children to Douglas Park on Sundays to hear free band concerts. It was here that

  • Exclusion Clause In Contract Law

    10593 Words  | 22 Pages

    Part I - Formation of Contracts A contract may be defined simply as a legally binding agreement. Alternatively, it may be defined as a promise or set of promises which enforces the law. Contracts may be classified as either bilateral or unilateral. A bilateral contract is one where a promise by one party is exchanged with each other based on trust. A unilateral contract is one where one party promises to do something (usually pay a sum of money) in return for an act of the other party. An offer

  • The Studio System

    14409 Words  | 29 Pages

    The Studio System Key point about the studio system could be: Despite being one of the biggest industries in the United States, indeed the World, the internal workings of the 'dream factory' that is Hollywood is little understood outside the business. The Hollywood Studio System: A History is the first book to describe and analyse the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of the global corporate entities which produce and distribute most of the films we watch.