Investigation of Jack the Ripper

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Investigation of Jack the Ripper

Jack the ripper was an unknown serial killer, he kept his true

identity a secret from the world. Many people today see Jack the

Ripper as a mystery which will never be solved. People have tried for

many years to find out the mystery of Jack the Ripper but can not and

will not succeed. The fact that no one knows the identity of him keeps

the mystery of the unknown killer alive. It will stay a mystery

forever, all we know is that he was the killer of five women and the

alleged murderer of eleven women. There were twenty seven suspects who

were accused of being Jack the Ripper, these men were, Prince Albert

Victor Christian Edward (known as "Eddy" to his friends) is one of the

most famous suspects in the Jack the Ripper case, over the years,

different versions of his personality, mental stability, and manner of

death have appeared. Prince Albert Victor was born in 1864, his father

was Prince Albert Edward and his mother was Queen Victoria. Prince

Albert Victor was a slow child and grew up to be a rather dull adult.

There were rumors that Eddy was mildly retarded and he was partially

deaf. When the ripper murders were happening it was said that Prince

Albert Victor was in another country. According to Dr Thomas Stowell

eddy was suffering from syphilis. Joseph Barnett who was born in 1858

and died in 1926, his father was a fish porter who died in 1864 and

his mother left the family after her husband passed away. After this

he was raised by his older brothers Denis and Daniel, in 1887 Joseph

met Mary Jane Kelly who was one of the ripper murders, her mutilated

body was found at 13 Millers Court, Dorset Street...

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...only targeted prostitutes or women who used to be prostitutes.

Personally I think that the real ripper was mentally ill and didn’t

get enough help, I also think that he/she had a bad childhood and was

brought up in a bad way. Looking back at the witnesses I think it is

strange that none of them saw the ripper’s true appearance, one of

them must have got a good look at him/her. This brings up a whole new

mystery, which again we can never find out if the witnesses really

were at the scene of the crime or if they were just lying. The mystery

of Jack the ripper will never end pupils from all different

generations will try hard to discover any other clues to the Ripper

mystery, and some will always be thinking about it for the rest of

their lives. It is a mystery, which will never be solved no matter how

hard anybody tries.

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