Ultima Essays

  • Bless Me Ultima

    584 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Bless Me Ultima” In the book “Bless Me Ultima”, by Rudolpho Anaya, there were two families represented, the Marez family and the Lunas family. These two families were very different, but were brought together by the marriage of Gabriel Marez and Maria Lunas. Through the eyes of their son Antonio one may see the comparison of the two. The differentiation of these two families is very clearly noticeable, such as in their personalities, the expression of their religion, and their everyday ways of life

  • Icons of Ambivalence in Bless Me Ultima

    2217 Words  | 5 Pages

    Icons of Ambivalence in Bless Me Ultima The portrait of Mexican Americans is layered in shades of ambivalence. Aside from the fact there is evidence that they can not really be classified as a migratory culture in that the land where they tend to migrate once belonged to Mexico, they can also lay an earlier claim to the land as Native Americans. The Spanish Europeans who settled in the area that became Mexico evolved as the dominant culture over the oral culture of the Native Americans. Nevertheless

  • Religion and Belief in Bless Me Ultima

    778 Words  | 2 Pages

    Religion and Belief in Bless Me Ultima After reading the book, Bless Me Ultima, I realized the integral importance of religion and need for religion and answers to life’s questions. At first, while reading this book, I thought it was just about relationships and the meaning in them but as the plot progressed I realized the book, is more than that, it questions the structures that decide the rules, morals and values that society is composed of. There were three types of religion that I identified

  • Good and Evil in Bless Me, Ultima

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    Good and Evil in Bless Me, Ultima In Rodolfo Anaya's novel, Bless Me, Ultima the author uses different settings in order to develop Antonio's sense of good and evil. An example of this would be Rosie's, the local whorehouse.  To Antonio, Rosie's tempted his brothers and was the cause of their sins.  In one of Antonio's dreams, three figures "silently beckoned" (pg. 65) Antonio into the "house of the sinful women" (pg. 156).  Antonio saw his brothers entering and he told Andrew, the last of the

  • Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima

    1285 Words  | 3 Pages

    Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima In Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima, the author uses Tony’s dreams as a way of displaying various symbols. Three symbols that are used often are weather, water, and the Golden Carp. Weather is used to represent conflict. Water represents cleansing, and rejuvenation. The Golden Carp symbolizes religion and Tony’s beliefs. Because dreams are not an exact mirror of reality, they become the perfect tool for introducing symbolism. The author uses the dream as a way

  • Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya

    1663 Words  | 4 Pages

    "Bless Me, Ultima" by Rudolfo Anaya Children believe what their parents tell them but as they get older they start to question that which used to be unquestionable. Bless Me, Ultima is a novel by Rudolfo Anaya about a young Chicano boy, Antonio Juan Marez y Luna, who is growing up and seeing the world for how cruel it really is. A wise old curandera, or faith healer, Ultima, arrives just before Tony receives his first glimpse into the world of men. Ultima gives Tony spiritual healing throughout

  • Bless Me Ultima

    870 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bless Me Ultima. The novel guides you through Tony’s life. From childhood to adulthood. It tells you about the experiences Tony has in life. The difficult tasks he has to overcome. Tony being only seven years old has to go through a lot. Tony begins his story in the beginning. He does not mean the beginning of his dreams from which he learned the story of his birth and the people whom his father and mother belong to, and the story of his three brothers. He means the beginning of Ultima. Ultima is one

  • Religious Confusion in Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya

    682 Words  | 2 Pages

    Religious Confusion in Bless Me, Ultima Only a few books dare to discuss the confusion surrounded by a religious awakening. In Bless Me, Ultima, Rudolfo Anaya, challenges standard religion and brings in differnet ideas through the perspective of a young and confused boy. At the end of his struggle to understand, the boy reaches the peace of mind he was seeking. Antonio, the young boy, wants answers to the questions that have been nagging at him since he was introduced to religious ideology

  • Bless Me Ultima

    531 Words  | 2 Pages

    Talfud once said that, “Men see in their dreams only that what is suggested by their own thought.'; In Bless Me Ultima, the passage after Narciso’s death is crucial in understanding that Antonio processes his conflicts in his dreams. This passage is key for the understanding that Antonio’s dreams are his way of processing his conflict between the Catholic God and the Golden Carp. With the processing of Antonio’s conflicts, Anaya uses extremely vivid imagery to help us understand

  • Bless Me Ultima Book Report

    1956 Words  | 4 Pages

    Book Report: Bless Me, Ultima Title of Work: Bless Me Ultima Author & Date Written: Rudolfo Anaya 1972 Country of Author: New Mexico, USA Characters: Ultima- An old Curandera who comes to spend her last days with Antonio and his family. She is Tony’s mentor and helps him to find the right path for his life. Antonio Marez- A young boy who is torn between his parents: a Marez and a Luna. But with the help of Ultima, he discovers his own destiny. He thirsts for knowledge: he is a curios boy, an outstanding

  • Bless Me Ultima: The Growing Up Of A Young Boy

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bless me Ultima: The Growing up of a Young Boy Throughout the book Bless me Ultima, Tony, the young main character in the story, lost his innocence when exposed to the harsh world since he learned what life is really like. Ultima is a good witch who tries to guide Tony by teaching him morals and lessons. Narsico is percieved as the town drunk, but is a good person. Tenorio is the demon in this story, as he wants to destroy Ultima. This book is about Tony's experience in adjusting to the

  • A Comparison of Bless Me Ultima and The House on Mango Street

    2140 Words  | 5 Pages

    Exploring Syncretism in Bless Me Ultima and The House on Mango Street Syncretism is the fine line between Christianity and Native American Religions because it is the ambivalent, simultaneous attraction of choice and identification to the influences of two or more religious belief systems. Syncretism is most common among minority groups such as Hispanics. The definition applied to their unique position of culture is brought about by the Native American and Spanish ancestry. Ambivalence is shown

  • Bless Me Ultima - Character Analysis

    786 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nevertheless, an experiment can be terminated at anytime. The experiment of child cannot be aborted, and sometimes the Experiment fails when he or she chooses the wrong path. However, for Rudolfo Anaya’s "Experiment Antonio" of Bless Me, Ultima, the results are promising. Antonio, as a child, already possesses traits that lead to a good and pure life. He is naturally a mature and wise man-child yearning for knowledge. 	Antonio shows a startling maturity. Psychologically, a typical six-year

  • Comparing One Hundred Years of Solitude and Bless Me Ultima

    1691 Words  | 4 Pages

    Magic or Reality in One Hundred Years of Solitude and Bless Me Ultima In the South American storytelling tradition it is said that humans are possessed of a hearing that goes beyond the ordinary. This special form is the soul’s way of paying attention and learning. The story makers or cantadoras of old spun tales of mystery and symbolism in order to wake the sleeping soul. They wished to cause it to prick up its ears and listen to the wisdom contained within the telling. These ancient methods

  • Bless Me Ultima - Tony

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    Marez. He argues with God and the Virgin Mary. He commutes with the dead; the dead asks him for blessings. Just who is this Tony person! You might not believe that this is only a seven year old kid, but he is the hero of Rudolfo Anaya's Bless Me, Ultima. Tony is valiant, and this courage sometimes reflects his curiously precocious nature. Precocious he is, he still is in constant mental ambivalence.When I say Tony is brave, I don't mean that he fights demons or kill dragons, but rather that he stands

  • Rudolfo A. Anaya's Bless Me, Ultima

    1316 Words  | 3 Pages

    a foundation from which children can grow, but they can provide only a certain amount of advice to help children deal with life’s basic issues; the rest is left for the child to find for themself. Such is the case in the final chapter of Bless Me, Ultima, a novel by Rudolfo Anaya. In this chapter Tony, the main character, recieves important insight and very wise advice from his elders. The story shadows Tony as he seeks understanding to his many questions, we follow his spiritual awakening, and follow

  • Heritage as an Idea of Oneself in Bless Me Ultima and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven

    3040 Words  | 7 Pages

    Heritage as an Idea of Oneself in Bless Me Ultima and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven Traveling through humanity is a never-ending story.  Traveling through ethnicity is an ever changing journey.  Is race or culture a matter of color?  Is it a way of life;  or a decision an individual makes?  Is it an idea one has of themselves?  In the novels, Bless Me Ultima (Anaya 1972) and The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (Alexie 1993), two different minority characters, Tony and

  • Antonio's Transformation in Bless Me Ultima

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    Transformation How do we make the leap from child to adult? What obstacles must we overcome to finally reach the summit of all that we can be? Who can reform and influence our decisions, the very decisions that will shape who we become? In Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya, Antonio Márez must progress towards his own moral independence and choose his destiny. Tony is forced to endure difficult experiences too early in life, causing a premature loss of innocence. He is overwhelmed with a multitude of

  • Maturation In Bless Me Ultima

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    which led to his social, moral and mental development.Rudolfo Anaya’s bildungsroman novel, Bless Me, Ultima presents the most crucial moment

  • Voice and Ambivalence in Bless Me Ultima and Baby of the Family

    1874 Words  | 4 Pages

    Voice and Ambivalence in Bless Me Ultima and Baby of the Family Bless Me Ultima and Baby of the Family serve as the 'coming of age' stories of two minority children. Rudolfo Anaya and Tina McElory Ansa skillfully reveal the richness, diversity, and conflicts that can exist within the Hispanic-American and African-American cultures primarily through the dream sequences in each novel. Dreams are the mechanism used in each work to magnify the individual experiences and conflicts Tony and Lena encounter