UFO Essays

  • The Existence of UFOs

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    Do UFO's Exist or Not For half a century the subject of UFO has been discussed by scientists, ecologists, politicians, and common people around the world. It seems paradoxical, but the main question of their discussion concerns existence or non-existence of UFO itself, so many people is not sure that the very subject of their debate really exists. I share the opinion of those who do not believe in UFO saying that this phenomenon has not been scientifically proved, and everything its adherents operates

  • Anthropology and UFOs

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    Psychology: Anthropology and UFOs Generic introduction I will start my overview of sociological, psychological, and psychoanalytic work on UFOs in the US by isolating several key genres in the many fields concerned with UFOs. A first genre is the analysis of the social psychology of UFO belief. Jung (1991) was among the first to take this approach with his psychoanalysis of saucer reports, though he also focused on the psychological profiles of self-identified UFO witnesses. His broader analytic

  • The Roswell Ufo Crash

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    The Roswell UFO Crash In 1947 a UFO was seen near the town of Roswell, New Mexico. It was witnessed by many of the residents and was described as something not of this planet. The government denies any evidence of this event occurring and has covered it up for may years. Now that more information has become available to the public, it is clear that something extraordinary happened. The town of Roswell, New Mexico was the location of many UFO sightings in the later 1940's and was supposedly

  • Mystery Surrounding the Phoenix Lights: Evidence of UFO Sighting?

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    Mystery Surrounding the Phoenix Lights: Evidence of UFO Sighting? Abstract The events that occurred in Phoenix on March 13, 1997 still have the world at a loss. A triangle (boomerang) shaped craft with seven lights on the main body and one trailing behind the rest appeared over Phoenix. Some believe that they were just flares used by the military, but others think that it was definitely extraterrestrial. Much evidence has been found, but the mystery remains. On March 13, 1997, an inexplicable

  • The UFO Incident of Roswell, New Mexico

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    time. There is one incident in particular that really hits home when talking about the subject, the UFO incident of Roswell, New Mexico. Around June 25th, 1947 a pilot, Ken Arnold had reported strange objects in the sky while flying near Mt. Rainer, Washington. He stated that they flew like "saucers being skipped over water." This was where the term "Flying Saucers" derived from. The Roswell UFO Incident all started on the evening of July 3, 1947, Dan Wilmot and his wife were sitting on their front

  • The Ufo Incident In Roswell, New Mexico

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    Roswell, New Mexico is a widely known city for one reason in particular. Roswell is known as the home town of the UFO that crashed on a sheep farm back in 1947. The time period in which the event occurred in Roswell, New Mexico, began with the sighting of the UFO in 1947 and is still nationally talked about today. The news hit great big with the Roswell UFO incident and was a big story for a couple of years on the mystery of what it could have been. The press began to die down after the government

  • UFO Sightings

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    that is not human like. UFOs are defined as unidentified flying objects (Hynek, 1997). Ufologists reported that there is an object or light seen on land or in the sky whose appearance is not natural. It refers to a suspected alien spacecraft. The first UFO sighting occurred in 1947 by Kenneth Arnold, near Washington (Watkins, 2009). According to Kenneth Arnold, “the speed was several thousand miles per hour, like saucers skipping on water” (Arnold, 1947). There are 70,000 UFO sightings every year (New

  • ufos

    547 Words  | 2 Pages

    Are UFOs Extraterrestrial in Origin? According to well-respected scientists, there are more stars in our universe than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth. Those odds make the possibility of extraterrestrial life hard to ignore. UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, are at the center of this controversial debate. For those who believe UFOs are controlled by extraterrestrial life, it is these same odds that cannot be overlooked. On the other hand, skeptics are hard at work outlining why the

  • UFO Sightings

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    Introduction Paranormal Activity is similar to pseudoscience and involves experiences outside of science (Hines, 2003). However, there is another side to these strange occurrences which includes UFOs, alien contact, and the appearance of unusual creatures. According to Imbrogno (2008) “No matter how skeptical you are, there are three things that cannot be denied: that reports of paranormal experiences exist, that they persist, and they are increasingly occurring on a global scale” (pg.16). According

  • Examples Of Ufos In The Crucible

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    UFOs invoke hysteria in society and cause people to believe other worldly beings are among us. The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, talks about the hysteria surrounding the Salem Witch Trials. These two topics are similar because in both cases society tends to have seen things; in this case witches and UFOs/aliens, meanwhile other people didn't witness it nor have it happen to them yet, if not ever. Also, in both cases, there is a huge split between people who believe that UFOs/witches are real

  • UFOs, Aliens and Religion

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    different views on UFOs and religion, all have one common belief – there is life out there and they are real and powerful beings far more advanced than humans in technology and psychic abilities. Throughout this research paper, I will establish how some of these religious societies were formed, and describe in detail how their belief system works and why they are considered religious in nature. First and foremost, to achieve a better understanding of these societies, I must define what UFO religion means

  • The Effects Of Ufos On People

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    terrestrials are not authentic. The United States government has records of thousands of UFO sightings since 1948, including photos of alleged UFOs and interviews with people who claim to have seen them. Since UFOs were considered a potential security risk, the report on these sightings was originally classified as secret. (Craig, 917) When the report was later declassified it showed that 90 percent of all UFO sightings could be easily explained. Most of the sightings turned out to be celestial

  • Aliens

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    For over a thousand years people have reported seeing strange objects flying in the sky. Today the unknown flying objects -UFOs continue to visit us, on a regular basis. A large amount of recorded historical events of this issue have taken place to give the subject of UFOs recognition. Recently, many individuals have claimed to witness or be part of fantastic stories that attract some while are turned away. Videotapes, photographs and pieces of physical evidence do support some of these stories.

  • Ufo In Kushiro Analysis

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    In the first story, “ufo in kushiro,” Komura is a man going through a mid-life crisis. After an earthquake hits Japan, his wife decides to leave him - leaving him shocked and confused. To help combat his depression, his co-worker sends him on an all-expenses-paid vacation to deliver a package to a woman named Shimao who lives in Kushiro. Shimao tries to solicit sex from Komura, but he declines. But this intimacy with her enables him to feel comfortable opening up to Shimao. Komura says, “‘There’s

  • Why are UFOs Still a Mystery?

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    Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs have always been shrouded in mystery. In spite of the numerous sightings of flying saucers and alien beings reported worldwide, the existence of UFOs has never been confirmed. Debates of all kinds exist until now, and all arguments, either in favor or against the existence of UFOs, will continue to perplex the public. There are many possible explanations as to why UFOs are still a mystery, some

  • Ku Klux klan

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    The UFO crashes in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 the beginning of the peoples search for extraterrestrials. It was also the start of people’s quest to expose military secrets, and also the beginning of the largest search so far for the answer to the biggest question of them all. Are we truly alone in the universe? Almost everyone in the United States has heard about the small town of Roswell, New Mexico, primarily because of its connections with UFO’s. This crash site became one of the most credible

  • The Roswell Incident

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    just as mysteriously as it had appeared. It was last seen in a small town in the middle of the Arizona desert, it’s name, Roswell. The Roswell incident is one of the most publicized and well-known accounts of a possible UFO crash in the world. Perhaps the greatest evidence that a UFO did indeed crash near Roswell, is the wide scale military cover up that took place after the crash. This along with numerous eyewitness accounts of the crash site, prove that what ever happened in the summer of 1947, was

  • Satchel Paige

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    The UFO crash site in Roswell New Mexico in 1947 was the start of people’s interest in extraterrestrials, the discovery of military secrets and experiments kept from society, and the start, in search of answering are we alone in this universe. An unidentified flying object fell at Roswell New the first week of July in 1947. A rancher the next day after a fierce thunder storm went out with his son on horses to go check on sheep. While he was riding the horse he noticed unusual debris of metal scattered

  • Roswell Mystery

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    Roswell, New Mexico is now a big tourist attraction for its famous crash in 1947. There is two main theories surrounding the crash, from aliens to weather balloons. UFOs and weather balloons are two theories surrounding the mystery behind the Roswell, New Mexico incident. In Roswell, New Mexico there was a mysterious crash is it a UFO or a Weather balloon? There was a report written by a man named Brazel describing ¨Flying discs¨ near Roswell (Frazier). In addition, on June 14 of 1947 a man named

  • Roswell Report

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    by someone else. He eventually told the officials at the RAAF (Roswell Army Air Field) of what he had seen. Eventually when word spread of the incident, conspiracies where formed about the wreckage. The most famous being that the ship was an alien UFO, and that it had been taken to Area 51, (another government operation surrounded