Trina Essays

  • Critical Analysis Of 'No Role Modelz'

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    “No role models and I 'm here right now No role models to speak of Searchin ' through my memory, my memory, I couldn 't find one.”(Cole) In these lyrics you can get a taste of how this is song to relate to some of the youth who had grew up with no role model and or father. In the song, No Role Modelz, the rapper J Cole speaks on the issues developing as a young adult without a role model, or growing up without a father to help shape him into a better man in this world and how without fame he would

  • Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus

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    Hope for the Flowers by Trina Paulus "Hope for the Flowers" is a story about a caterpillar, Stripe, who was born in this world and lived a normal life as expected from a caterpillar: eating and growing bigger. However, he became tired of doing such routine over and over again and thought that there must be something more to life. So he left the tree which served as his home from the very start and went out to the world to wander. Yes, he was fascinated with things he saw, but he was unsatisfied

  • Project Respect: Da Baddest B*tch by Rapper Trina

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    use men for money. The very title of the song endorses the use of the expression “bad b*tches”. In the music industry, the used of the word “b*tch” is not uncommon. It is most commonly used by men as a means of degrading women. Female rappers, like Trina, try to change what is a degrading word and turn it into a compliment. Female rappers like herself use this “bad b*tch” persona as a defense mechanism. They call themselves these distasteful words before a man has the chance to do it. They see it as

  • Examples Of Inhumane In Mcteague

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    what he's yet to know a greedy woman. McTeague falls in love with Trina when she takes a trip to his dentist parlor and has work done on her teeth. Soon enough Trina Falls for McTeague and Trinas Greed for money catches up and pulls the inner abusive side of make Teague to come out. Frank Norris projects these elements to show that all humans inherently have a brute within. In the novel, the brute within appears in McTeague after Trina has denied the proposal of marriage between

  • Erich Von Stroheim's Greed Film Analysis

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    best friend and Trina who becomes the wife of Mac after being introduced by his best friend Marcus. The relationships and roles of these characters change as circumstances with lust, greed and selfishness influence each. Mac works as a dentist in San Francisco and is initially introduced to Trina strictly as a patient with the help of Marcus’ friendly referral. During his dental work with Trina that spans over the time of two weeks, Mac realizes that this he feels a need to please Trina by completing

  • Frank Norris’s Novel McTeague

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    throughout the work. Many of the characters such as McTeague, Trina, and Zerkow show numerous situations where greed takes over their lives. These situations where we see greed occurs with money, love and... This essay will be discussing the nature of greed that takes place throughout the novel and supported evidence to support this greed that occurs throughout the work.     It would be easy for the reader to think that the greed began once Trina won the lottery, but there are a few incidences where the

  • Tyler Perry's If Loving You Is Wrong

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    Society continues to misrepresent the benefits of being in a faithful relationship by transmitting a negative message of a false sense of happiness. Through movies and sitcoms, individual’s attention gives importance into the life of deception as a source of entertainment. In “If loving you is Wrong,” Alex (Brad) and Marci (Randle) live as neighbors in a small suburb town. The couples often spend a great deal of time together. While Marci and Brad are away working, Alex and Randal are more than neighboring

  • Frank Norris’s Novel McTeague

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    in the first few chapters of the novel, he desires nothing more out of life than to practice what he loves. “When he opened his Dental Parlors, he felt that his life was a success, that he could hope for nothing better” (Norris 7). Upon meeting Trina, his best friend Marcus’s love interest who comes to him because of a broken tooth, his psyche begins to change and animalistic feelings begin to well up inside McTeague. “The male, virile desire in him tardily awakened, aroused itself, strong and

  • Social Darwinism In The Novel Mcteague

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    characters such as McTeague and Trina, and Zerkow and Maria, yet the survival of Old Grannis and Miss Baker by not changing their status. Although the death of Sarah Collins was predictable based on Social Darwinism the status of McTeague did not change until Trina stepped into his life. Norris writes of McTeague as starting from being sent away by his mother because life at the mine was of lower class to being a dentist on Polk St. able to keep up with his life status. Trina is from German Swiss family

  • Comparing Mcteague And The Alienation Of Labor

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    For instance, Trina attempts to direct McTeague away from his base animal comforts: “The little animal comforts which for him constituted the enjoyment of life were ministered to at every turn, or when they were interfered with--as in the case of his Sunday afternoon's nap and beer--some agreeable substitute was found” (Norris 150). Trina takes McTeague’s “animal comforts” away from him, but in a strategic way that does not upset him. Also, it is important to note that Trina does not lift McTeague

  • McTeague or Animalism

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    waiting for an opportune time to come out and play. In Frank Norris’ novel McTeague, humans are no better than the beasts they claim to control. They cage and torment defenseless creatures, but cage and torment themselves far, far, worse. McTeague, Trina, Zerkow, and Marcus are animals in thin human’s clothing, walking the forests of McTeague, waiting for the opportunity to shed their skin and tear each other apart, while the real animals of the world continue leading lives far superior to their human

  • Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults Essay

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    article entitled “Young and Forgotten”. In this article a 14 year old girl named Trina Garnett was angry because her neighbor had not allowed her two sons to play with Trina. Trina then climbed into their house through the kitchen window and set it aflame resulting, in the two boys dying and the house burning down. One example from this article that supports my decision is “the children were frequently homeless. Trina had set herself on fire when she was 5, spent two years in a state mental hospital

  • Analysis Of Criminological Theories In Just Mercy By Bryan Stevenson

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    The novel, Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson is an incredible read. In this book, Mr. Stevenson discusses his journey as an attorney for the condemned on death row. He speaks of many of the cases he has taken on, and the people he has represented. One story he focuses on in particular is his case representing Walter McMillian. This man was condemned to death row before he was even convicted of the crime! Mr. Stevenson spends so much time advocating for Walter’s innocence, until one day he is finally

  • The Intrinsic Value of Relationships, and The Drastic Effects of Greed

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    that is on display is one that is present throughout the novel. The first time we are introduced to it is when Marcus claims that Trina’s winning lottery ticket belongs to him, and it takes a tragic turn, ultimately leading to McTeague’s killing of Trina and Marcus, before dying himself from dehydration in the desert shortly thereafter. In The Great Gatsby, a type of greed that is on a similar level was quite obvious within the relationships of Tom and Daisy as well as Gatsby and Daisy. This theme

  • The Birth Of A Nation And Greed

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    The progress of the film industry was remarkably fast in the first quarter of this century. I have chosen two films namely The Birth of a Nation (1915) and Greed (1924) for comparison and contrast to show how much the industry had evolved within the short span of nine years. These two films are chosen for the short time span between them. This short time span will enable us to evaluate the development of the film industry in terms of the psychological build-up of the plot and the characters, cinematic

  • Analysis Of Ginger Snaps

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    with the paw of their dead dog, Baxter. The dog’s death is a result of the “beast of Bailey Downs” and is only another mark in the string of dog deaths throughout the town (Fawcett). During the girls’ PE class the school’s popular girl and bully, Trina Sinclair, pushes Bridgette down and she falls into another mutilated dog. The girls decide to steal Trina’s dog as revenge leading them to be in the park alone that night where they find another dead dog. Shortly after finding the body and Bridgette

  • Insanity By Susan Vaught: Chapter Summary

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    With her extensive knowledge of mental institutions and mental illnesses, Susan Vaught draws readers to her completely creepy and fascinating novel Insanity intertwining the accounts of four young people who find themselves tormented beyond their imagination in the Lincoln Hospital. It is a place where the living and the dead cannot find peace. Forest, an 18-year-old girl, works the graveyard shift at Lincoln Hospital, her colleagues and herself knew this when she asked for the job. Lincoln is a

  • The Role Of Naturalism In Frank Norris's Mcteague

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    Norris portrays a tale of McTeague, a dentist, and the tragic consequences of his bathetic desire for a marriage to Trina (Study Guide0. The racial instincts that overtake normal behavior that overtake normal behavior are traced throughout the novel. When drunk McTeague becomes swelled with violence and rage that assumes a sadistic character. After winning the lottery ticket Trina is transformed from her fastidious heritage into a preposterous miser. His novel was an insight into Social Darwinism

  • Super-Predator Theory And The Criminal Justice System

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    The United States is home to 5% of the world’s population but 25% of the world’s prisoners. Also, African Americans are incarcerated five times more likely than White Americans. During the 1990s, black kids from rough neighborhoods were deemed as “super-predators”, kids who have no remorse, conscience, and respect for human life. The super-predator theory has been very effective in putting little kids in jail. Therefore, the super-predator theory has extremely negatively impacted the criminal justice

  • Didacticism In Frank Norris' McTeague

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    Didacticism in Frank Norris' McTeague Frank Norris' Mcteague's niche in American Literature has been characterized again and again as strictly Naturalist. The novel does well in this genre. Among other things, it is a scientific, representative, pessimistic study of the common people or lower and middle classes which ultimately ends in tragedy. It is not the purpose of this essay to dispute these qualifications; rather to question the genre itself. The scientific novel is impossible for a variety