Social Darwinism In The Novel Mcteague

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In October 1893, there was a murder in San Francisco. Sarah Collins was killed by her husband Pat Collins from multiple knife stabs. The reason of her death was to be known that she would not give her husband money. This sparked an idea in Frank Norris’ mind, thus creating the novel McTeague. In this novel, Norris shows change in social status and how it affects them through Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism is the biological evolution of people in their social system, also known as survival of the fittest. The novel McTeague, based on the 1893 murder in San Francisco, Frank Norris exemplifies Social Darwinism by showing the fall of characters such as McTeague and Trina, and Zerkow and Maria, yet the survival of Old Grannis and Miss Baker by not changing their status.
Although the death of Sarah Collins was predictable based on Social Darwinism the status of McTeague did not change until Trina stepped into his life. Norris writes of McTeague as starting from being sent away by his mother because life at the mine was of lower class to being a dentist on Polk St. able to keep up with his life status. Trina is from German Swiss family, lower of status, always willing to do anything to avoid a confrontation such as kissing McTeague because he wants to. Tina …show more content…

Zerkow can be seen like Trina for the fact that he too is greedy. Zerkow is of Jewish decent and will do anything to find a few cents lying around even if it is marrying Maria, the mentally ill woman who lives in the squalor. Maria Macapa is a Hispanic cleaning lady who tells people that she once used to have gold dishes. Zerkow marries Maria for her gold dishes while Maria marries Zerkow to change her status. Zerkow’s greed, like Pat Collins, overcame him resulting to Maria’s death leaving Zerkow poor; he is found later in the river drowned. In spite of their marriage, death was inevitable for their sudden changing of their

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