Throw Essays

  • Using Mental Imagery to Aid in Free Throws in Basketball

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    basketball games are decided on whether a team will win or lose by how well they perform at the free throw line. A free throw is the only time where the game is being play and the clock is stopped, players stop, and the ball is in an individual’s hand, with them and the basket. Since there are no defenders trying to block or alter their shot most coaches and spectators wonder what makes someone miss a free throw. Research literature shows that both psychological and physical factors play a role. Many athletes

  • Persuasive Speech About Wrestling

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    Did you know that wrestling was one of the first sports that ever existed to mankind? I believe that wrestling is one of the best sports to help you with everyday life and, getting you healthy. Wrestling gets kids physically and, mentally fit and healthy, teaches them how to manage their time during wrestling, and gives them an opportunity to make new friends. The first reason that kids should consider joining wrestling is that they will feel healthy and become physically and mentally fit. Wrestling

  • Throw Pillow

    524 Words  | 2 Pages

    For my 2016 Family and Consumer Science mastery project, I went made a throw pillow, that is made to hold items like remotes, out of an old pair of jeans. I found the idea for this project on Pinterest, but with no instructions attached. Before I started the project, I knew that I had to have a plan of what to do. So, I sat down and thought it all through. I thought about what I would need to do from when I turned on the machine to when I turned it off. After I had slept on my plan, I went to the

  • Personal Narrative: My Last High School Basketball Game

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    It 's the day before my last high school varsity basketball game as a senior… Wow four years went by this fast who would have imagined this day would have came. All day I was thinking about the season ending. This game meant everything to me, it wasn 't any ordinary game. It 's a section game! Win or go home.. With it being my last high school game I wanted to close the chapter knowing I gave it my all. Practice was probably the most intense it 's ever been for me. Emotions were flaring and we were

  • Skill Retentiontion: A Motor Memory Process

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    Skill retention is a motor memory process that is achieved through a number of practice sessions. The process is dependent on a number of variables that happen throughout the acquisition of the skill. In early stages of life, a child will be presented with the challenge of completing several motor tasks vital to daily life. For example, acquiring the motor skill to write ones name is an intricate task. The child must first acquire the necessary skill to perform this task effectively (sounds like

  • The Game of Basketball

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    popular sport among all ages. Dr. James A. Naismith was born in Canada but invented the game of basketball in the United States. He invented basketball by using a rectangular backboard that is 6feet wide and 4feet high. The court includes a free throw line that is 12feet long. A regulated court should be around 94feet long and 50feet wide. For all pro, college, and high school games the goal must at least be up 10feet high. To decide who gets to get the ball first, each team must have one player

  • Ethical Issues In Professional Sports

    1696 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction In 1998, the average NFL coaches averaged $134,000 (Weir, 2005). The average player salary was approximately $1.1 million dollars. Money was not a major contributor to whether coaches and athletes ethically played the game. Teams would compete to win the game with integrity. Nothing was worth winning, if it could not be done in a manner which brought positive publicity to a coach, player, or team. The average NFL salary for a head coach this past season was $3.25 million dollars, with

  • Basketball Science Fair Project

    952 Words  | 2 Pages

    For my science fair project, I will be testing how high a basketball bounces on five different surfaces including: hardwood, concrete, asphalt, rubber, and carpet. I will now talk about the background information of this science fair project and the process and steps of this science fair project. I will first talk about the background information and research behind this project, then I will talk about the steps and process of the project. First, I will talk about the background information

  • Basketball: The History And History Of Basketball

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    team is assigned a goal to defend. However, at halftime, the teams switch goals. When a team makes a basket, they score two points. If a team makes a basket outside or on the three-point line are, then that basket is worth three points, while a free throw is worth one

  • The Pentathlon - The Ancient Events Versus The Present

    2351 Words  | 5 Pages

    The History of the pentathlon The history of the pentathlon stems from the complete physical training of the Greeks. The pentathlete was the product of training in five events, unlike those athletes who were trained in specialized areas. It began as an athletic competition to determine the best all-around athlete. The pentathlon was introduced into the Olympic Games around 708 B.C. Each pentathlete was superior in strength and activity, which was the ideal physical beauty. The ideal pentathlete

  • Throw A Curveball Essay

    684 Words  | 2 Pages

    fastball will become faster and they will be taught to throw different version of their fastball. It is not until around the age of thirteen that little league rules allow them to throw a curveball. What are the mechanics a pitcher uses to throw a curveball? To throw a curveball the pitcher holds the ball with the middle and index fingers on or near the stitching, with their thumb underneath forming a “C” with their hand on the ball. As they throw the ball, they snap their hand in a turning motion

  • Hammer Throw Essay

    1108 Words  | 3 Pages

    With 86.74m range, Yuriy Sedykh set the world record for hammer throwing. The statement that “The current men’s hammer throw world record will never be broken” is thus false as it is possible to beat the record if certain factors are achieved. Two key factors need to be achieved in order to break the current world record these are the optimal launch angle of 42o must be maintained and the initial velocity of launch must be greater than 29.22m/s. This can be done if the tension (centripetal force)

  • What Causes Or Impairs Performance Under Pressure?

    1828 Words  | 4 Pages

    “If athletes could think any way they wanted and still play their best game, winning would be determined by skill and effort alone.” (Valiante & Stachura, 2005) It can be a head scratcher to see an athlete go from near perfection, to looking as if he or she has never played a game in their career. Take your everyday baseball pitcher for instance. He can go from being un-hittable, too not being able to hit the strike zone. How often do you see a golfer play three amazing days, but when reality sets

  • 3 Pointer Research Paper

    553 Words  | 2 Pages

    to shoot 3 pointers so I would get better at basketball. I practice because I want to be on the basketball team at Northglenn High School. I want to be better because I used to be bad at this game. I know how to dribble a basketball, shoot free throws, and juke people. When I feel rushed, I step back and just shoot the 3 pointer for more points. I don´t make them but I am learning and I will soon. The experts say to put your leg steady. When you jump to shoot the ball you should land in the

  • The Significance of The Discobolus

    682 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Discobolus is one of the most recognisable and influential artistic pieces to emerge from Ancient Greece. The Discobolus was a bronze sculptured depicting an athlete throwing a discus and was created by prolific Greek artist Myron of Eleutherae (Harris & Zucker 2012). Although a precise date of creation is unknown, it is widely theorised that the sculpture was created between 450 and 460 BCE (Harris & Zucker 2012). Myron’s original Discobolus no longer exists, with evidence indicating that it

  • Analysis Of The Free-throw Shot

    1495 Words  | 3 Pages

    Analysis of the Free-Throw Shot When deciding about a movement to study, I thought about many, and very few interested me. Then I decided to choose something that was very important to me. Shooting the basketball, and more specifically the technique in performing a free throw. I thought by looking more closely at the details of a movement I have been doing since a small child. I thought possibly I could learn something that would give me an advantage in my shot. The application of this particular

  • Relay Throw Research Paper

    896 Words  | 2 Pages

    relay throw is knowing when to cutoff the ball during a baseball or softball game. Relay is a term in baseball that refers to the throw by a relay man (who has received the ball from an outfielder) for the purposes of directing the ball to the proper location or base for a put-out. ( ) There are certain tactics used and can be played during the game that may or may not assist you on defense. This idea and the main purpose of a relay throw is

  • Hammer Throw Persuasive Speech

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    When Thor throws his hammer, he is "serving justice" When I throw a hammer I Have anger management issues because I hate the hammer throw. (but I might serve a knock to the head) It shouldn't be in the Olympics. I'm going to persuade you by this evidence (dumb some of them): You're probably thinking “hammer throw. What are you talking about?”. Well, that's another reason to take it out of the Olympics. Because you don't know what it is. Maybe I should tell you-you swing a hammer throw the thing

  • Examples Of How To Throw A Fastball

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    I have been learning about on how to throw a fastball there are different ways to throw a fastball but i prefer this pitch is often called straight pitch. It's hard to throw a fastball but when you practice all the time and get my steps right you can throw a fastball the things you are going to use is a ball,a glove,another person, and a stopwatch. Step one is how to grip the ball, so on your grip you have the ball in your hand then you put your index finger on the ball next you put your middle

  • If You Throw Water Analysis

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    never understood why he and his family were different, people shamed his mother for being white with mixed children. The author portrays this in the best way possible when he states that, “They are all trying hard to be an American, you know… If you throw water on the floor it will always find a hole, believe me” (Mcbride, 195). Somehow or someway people will always find themselves again, people cannot cover up what they are. By evidently enjoying the life that people are given, no amount of money nor