The National Enquirer Essays

  • The Reality and Misinformation of Tabloids

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    Currently, in the realm of printed journalism, American Media—owner of popular tabloids such as the Enquirer, Globe, and National Examiner—“reports [the] total circulation at 5.4 million.” (Grabianowsky) A British tabloid-newspaper industry went on trial on October 20 in 2013 due to the alleged “phone hacking and obstructing of justice” done by two of the industry’s elite editors. (Erlanger, and Castle) The birth of the “tabloid” marked a major milestone in history. Created by Alfred Harmsworth,

  • Tabloids: A Representation of what we consider News

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    Tabloids: A Representation of what we consider News Why is it that every time we see that someone is keeping a journal we have that gut urge to sneak into their bag and read all of their innermost thoughts? We all experience it. Although most want to deny it, there is no escaping that part of us that wants to know all we can about other people. Luckily, there is a medium that lets us do just that. Tabloids make the lives of others, especially celebrities, an open book for all to read and scrutinize

  • The People of the State of California vs Orenthal James Simpson

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    animal shelter in the morning. This plan was unsuccessful due to the fact Kato was excessively restless, so Boztepe deci... ... middle of paper ... ...AL - The National Enquirer. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov. 2013. "INSIDE O.J. SIMPSON HOUSE OF HORRORS - The National Enquirer." INSIDE O.J. SIMPSON HOUSE OF HORRORS - The National Enquirer. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov. 2013. "The Simpson Trial Timeline." The Simpson Trial Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Nov. 2013. “1995: OJ Simpson verdict: 'Not guilty'.” BBC

  • Why Wealthy Americans Go Broke.

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    When average Americans struggle to put food on the table, many affluent people struggle to remain financially sound. Celebrities, politicians, lotto winners, and professional athletes receive millions of dollars in wages and payments, but somehow are unable retain their fortunes. According to the U.S. census bureau, the median family income in the United States is about 30,000 dollars annually; somehow some parents are able to feed their children and fund their children’s education. According to

  • Propoganda, Advocacy and Yellow Journalism

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    The Martians are coming. American jobs taken by Illegal Immigrants. USDA needs to enforce stricter regulations on cattle feed. Each headline could be found in today's news. When putting together a story, the interpretation of facts depends on how the facts are presented or the assumptions made by the journalist. It would be inaccurate to suggest or imply that the press and the media are always responsible and truthful. After all, stories with sensational headlines or titles that greatly stir

  • Abraham Lincoln's Influence On Education

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    have an education of their own. During early his teenage life, Lincoln moved to town. With this, he was able to purchase and read newspapers. His education can be said it was almost entirely of a newspaper one. He had subscribed to the "Richmond Enquirer and The Charleston Mercury. This strengthens his public opinion as it kept growing, with much information of the happening, his religion and upbringing, he was deeply and gradually developing a

  • The Problems in Public Relations

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    The Problems in Public Relations One may ask, what is Public Relations? According to the PRSA (The Public Relations Society of America) Public Relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. defines it as the practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Public relations may involve an organization or individual gaining exposure to their

  • TIP Training Case Study

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    As one receives this edition of the White Ensign, it is yet another indication all that was old is new again. This change, like so many others taken by National Council has not been taken lightly. Support funding is drying up everywhere; we simply have to find other ways to do things. There has been, and shall continue to be, change in many areas. We commenced change in our welfare support service 18 months ago. The TIP training system is no longer, and we now move to a new advocacy training

  • Something In The Air Chapter Summaries

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    I am not usually much of a reader but this book was one to actually hold my attention. The first chapter “something in the Air” really draws you in with a outline from the anthrax letter attacks of Robert stevens a photo retouch for the national enquirer. It starts with an outline of the anthrax letter attacks that took place in florida and washingtin DC. These attacks took palce between October 2nd and 15th of 2001. Robert Stevens was the first victim with another unsuccessful attempt on US senator

  • Distracted Driving

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    Distracted Driving Kelsey Raffaele was driving home one day, when her car ran off the road and had hit a snow bank and spiraled into oncoming traffic. She then got T-boned by a SUV. She was rushed to the hospital where she died without even regaining consciousness. Police had recreated the scene with chalk and had thought to have been the causes from just a novice driver. Until they had found a cellphone in the back of the mangled car. Kelsey was actually on the phone while driving, and had crashed

  • civil war

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    expeditions to Central America: "I want Cuba . . . I want Tamaulipas, Potosi, and one or two other Mexican States; and I want them all for the same reason -- for the planting and spreading of slavery." [Battle Cry of Freedom, p. 106.] Richmond Enquirer, 1856: "Democratic liberty exists solely because we have slaves . . . freedom is not possible without slavery." Lawrence Keitt, Congressman from South Carolina, in a speech to the House on January 25, 1860: "African slavery is the corner-stone

  • Wendell Ford Informational Piece

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    (Fampeople). Works Cited 1. Quisenberry, Vicki. “United States Senator Wendell H. Ford DC’42” Foundation for DCPS. DCPS, 2012. Web. 23 March 2014 2. Fampeople. Web. 24 April, 2014 3. “Wendell Ford will sit out this Inauguration” Cincinnati. Enquirer. 20 Jan. 2001. Web. 24 April

  • German Nationalism and Nazi Propaganda

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    incredibly aware of this, and their propaganda at the time reflected a need to reunite the German people. Propaganda appealed to national pride, and putting ones country before themselves. Of course, a strong united people needed a leader that was just as strong, and the “myth of Hitler” would create that leader. Slogans like “One People, one Fuhrer, one Reich!” promoted national unity, and a Wochenspruch from February 1938 states, “The greatest of all sacrifices is to give one’s life to preserve the existence

  • Susan B Anthony Summary

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    McDavitt, Elaine E. "Susan B. Anthony, reformer and speaker." Quarterly Journal of Speech 30.2 (1944): 173-180. This article introduced the events of Anthony’s career as a reformer as well as her public speaking. Mathilda J. Gage noted that "The prolonged slavery of woman is the darkest page in human history." The first light for the women’s right was appeared in the Revolutionary days when Abigail Adams entreated her husband to make a place for women in the Constitution of the United States. Disappointed

  • Penn State Needs to End Paterno’s Time in Power

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    more than ten years. In the past 37 seasons, Coach Paterno has won an astonishing 336 games, breaking Paul “Bear” Bryant’s record of 323 set at the University of Alabama. Besides obtaining the most wins in NCAA Division 1-A football, Paterno has two national championships (1982 and 1986) and a Big Ten conference championship in 1994 (DeLassus). These great moments add to the tradition of Penn State football history, but that’s exactly the point, Paterno’s triumphs are history. The past four seasons,

  • Anthrax Laced Letters

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    Robert Stevens of the Sun newspaper in Boca Raton Florida was exposed to a form of Inhalation Anthrax and died the following day. Five letters in all were sent out, one to the American Broadcasting Company, one to National Broadcasting Company, CBS, The New York Post, The National Enquirer, and the American Media. All five letters were post marked from Trenton, New Jersey. Additionally, two more letters were sent to the Washington DC offices of Senator Tom Daschle and Senator Patrick Leahy (Embar 2009)

  • Tabloids and Propaganda

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    Tabloids and Propaganda Statement of Problem "Tabloids and Propaganda, Are all of the tabloids true, or are they false? Or do they have some truth to them?" These questions ponder the minds of the readers of these pieces of journalism when they read them. They often wonder if they are truthful for there are many lawsuits that seem to say that they aren't. I tend to wonder myself as well. I constantly see the Supermarket tabloids at newsstands or at supermarkets themselves and I tend to wonder

  • The UFO Incident of Roswell, New Mexico

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    Ever look up at the sky and just wonder if there is life anywhere else? Have you seen anything in the sky that is almost unexplainable? What if your thoughts really came true? The thought of the existence of aliens seems to have been around since the beginning of time. There is one incident in particular that really hits home when talking about the subject, the UFO incident of Roswell, New Mexico. Around June 25th, 1947 a pilot, Ken Arnold had reported strange objects in the sky while flying near

  • Pitbulls Essay

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    Brian C. “Scared of Pit Bulls? You'd Better Be!” City Journal, 26 Jan. 2016, Billmire, David A., Dr. "Opinion: There Is No Need for Pit Bulls." Cincinnati Enquirer, 29 June 2014. Web. 11 Se pt. 2014. (-- removed HTML --) . Dickey, Bronwen. “We’re Safer without Pit Bull Bans.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 11 Oct. 2016,

  • Camping with my Dad's Family in Indiana

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    For the last thirteen summers, my dad and I have made our annual expedition to Versailles, Indiana, for a week, so that we can go camping with my dad’s three brothers, cousins, and their children, which is about 20 Graver men in all, at the same camp site that holds so many memories of years past events, and soon to be events. When we camp there are three procedures that we follow: we eat when we are hungry, we sleep when we are tired, and we must be at the campground pool at 11:00 a.m., so we can