Does Fake News Impact Content Credibility

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How Does Fake News Impact Content Credibility Fake news is on the rise. Content appears in abundance through the media. For instance, in the United States, citizens have the constitutional right to freedom of expression, specifically freedom of the press. Because of this, we now live in an opinion-driven society, more than ever before. Anything said, seen, or heard, whether it was done in the public or behind closed doors, has the potential to be published, go viral in the media, and be subjected to public scrutiny. Even worse, news is being published that is completely fictitious. How do these fake stories affect the consumer? A poll was included in a Pew Research Center article published in December of 2016 titled: Many Americans Believe Fake News Is Sowing Confusion. The poll indicates that 64% of U.S. Adults believe that fake news is on the rise. Those adults were confused, not knowing whether to believe the stories or not, because in some cases the stories at least seemed plausible. However, in other cases, the stories were as bizarre as an article published in the National Enquirer. Talk about credibility… Ha! Highlighted in the same article, 23% of Americans admit that they have shared fabricated news stories both knowingly and unknowingly. Lately, on social media, rumors and …show more content…

CN2 News was there to cover the story. Journalist Vilma Betacourt explained why fake news has become widespread in mainstream media during a video recording at the meeting. She states: “The public doesn’t know the difference sometimes, because they don’t have the time to do the research.” Betacourt overall believes that people are busy with other things which leaves them little time to research the accuracy of any media content they come across. What happened to credibility? And how does fake news impact content

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