Superman Returns Essays

  • Ghost Of Superman Research Paper

    2007 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Ghost of Superman Kids had stars in their eyes when they talked about their hero Superman. A DC comic superhero who was incredibly strong and to top it all off he was as fast as the wind and he could fly. However this was just what they could get from the pages of a comic book. Then in 1952 came the TV series “The Adventures of Superman” putting their hero on the screen. The actor playing Superman was rightly chosen since he looked strong and muscular and was a handsome figure. Now the kids

  • Mythology In Greek Mythology

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    The Greek gods were essentially characters in the works of many great writers and it can be debated that belief in these gods came second to the writing of the stories. American superhero comics came into existence concretely with the advent of Superman by Detective Comics. Before that there was a plethora of heroes in comics that were based off of Greek adventures of demigods and godly heroes. As comics evolved, it has become clear that many of the superheroes that are read every day by adoring

  • The Golden Age Of Superheroes: Universal Themes And Challenges

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    permanent fixtures in modern media. Since X-Men burst onto the screen fifteen years ago, we have witnessed the release of over forty superhero movies. By 2020 we will have seen the release of more than twenty-five more. Today, the much anticipated film Superman vs. Batman has come to theaters. Though a plethora of superhero movies have been released, it is to the dissatisfaction of many, having long been exhausted by the stories of the Hulk, Batman, and Spider-man. Although I must agree that it is quite

  • What Is The Superman Movie Essay

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    Proposed Question: The first Superman movie was made in 1978 and since then DC Universe has been making new versions ever since, the latest one Batman vs. Superman was made in 2016. Our society has evolved over the past 35 years. So how has the franchise evolved with it, regarding their use of technical effects, costumes and personalities of the main characters? How has this all influenced the change in the story line and its overall outcome? Response: The very first Superman movie was based on the comic

  • Batman Vs Superman Research Paper

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    movie Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Being a comic book fan, particularly of DC comics, this movie was clearly a must see for me. When it comes to superhero movies, I believe the plot of the movie should accurately represent the stories told in the comics as best as they can. The same goes for the characters. The comics created these characters and their various stories, so the movies should closely follow the comics the best that they can. I did not feel Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

  • Superman Film: Man Of Steel

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    an introductory title. By this I mean, Man of Steel is the first Superman movie in a new series of Superman movies. In other superhero movies as well as Superman movies, the audience is first introduced to the superhero. We learn about the person’s beginnings as a superhuman and we tend to see their beginning struggles and their first interactions with a major villain. In previous Superman movies, there have been montages of Superman pulling cats out of trees, saving bus loads of people, all while

  • How Is Batman Better Than Superman

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    Batman and Superman are in a big arena. Superman throws a punch. Then Batman blocks the punch. Batman uppercuts him and Superman goes down. Do you think Batman should of won? Without a doubt, Batman is better than Superman. Admittedly, Superman has powers. For example, Superman can fly and save people from buildings that are falling. Also, Superman can shoot lasers out of his eye, and burn villains. Another example is Superman’s super breath. When Superman uses that he blows people or buildings

  • The Greatest Superheroes of all Times: Superman and Batman

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    There are so many different superheroes but the most popular are Superman and Batman. These two characters are the best American superheroes of all times. Superman and Batman are both extremely courageous and from each we can take something to inspire us. We do not live in a perfect world. As the story of Batman shows, the challenges in our lives make us to become who we are. Superman, who is not a human being, reminds us that the world can be better with the help of all of us. We have to be better

  • Prompt II: Seasons change and people do too

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    are today. What I thought of him before in comparison to what I think of him now is completely mind blowing. My cousin was the most humble and sweetest guy growing up. He always loved and cared about everyone even if you did not love or like him in return. I always thought to myself that when I get to his age I want to be just like him I mean he knew The Lord, he was humble, caring, and which ended up to be his downfall very handsome. At that time I just loved him because he was the one who always

  • Is Dantes A Super Hero

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    Superman, a fan favorite super hero, has many other qualities that make him a super hero other than his super abilities. He is trustworthy, and very caring. Edmond Dantes from The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, is extremely similar to superman in those same ways. In the story, Dantes is liked by everyone excluding the few jealous bystanders. He had a promising future until he is wrongly accused and sent to jail. Edmond is trustworthy and caring and this causes the people around him to

  • Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, Eco's The Myth of Superman, and Camus'The Fall

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    Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, Eco's The Myth of Superman, and Camus'The Fall It is impossible to truly realize the impact of earlier minds on modern society, simply because that which they taught is so intrinsic to thought which followed. One great example is G.W.F. Hegel, an eighteenth-century philosopher who first named dialectical relationships. In his book Phenomenology of Spirit, Hegel details the relations between people and ideas in a way that now seems obvious, but was groundbreaking

  • Superman Research Paper

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    April 28th The Man of Steel Superman was one of the first hero’s ever created. He started a revolution of hero’s to be born. Superman embodied a time period where people were seeking justice for the uprising of World War II. Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were the creators of Superman. They were teenagers when their imaginations created this legend. “Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were both lower-middle class sons of immigrants who believed in the American dream.”(Superman, St.James Encyclopedia). Siegel

  • Harley Quinn

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    With the Joker’s presence, Harley would still be subjugated to the gendered violence described by Taylor. Even in moments of seeming independence in the past, all readers knew it would never last because she always had the opportunity to return to the cycle of abuse. By removing the cycle completely with the death of the Joker, Harley is now forced to discover who she is as a character without the Joker. In doing so, she is able to embody the classic feminine qualities of submissive, gullible

  • Superman is America’s Hero

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    Superman is one of the greatest superheroes to have ever lived. Since Superman’s creation he has been America’s Man of Steel for around seventy-five years. However, the awesome character was created by two not so super, high school teenagers, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, which ultimately shows, throughout Superman’s life in a comic book, anyone can be anything if they just put their mind to it. Superman has fought America’s battles with his all-powerful strength and unbiased view of people; most

  • What Is The Decline Of DC Comics In The 1930's

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    Since the 1930’s, the DC industry has changed every year. These changes have made the industry better, which led to DC Comics becoming one of the top comic industries. DC Comics is iconically known for producing the famous superheroes Superman and Batman. Starting in 1934, the Eastern Color Printing (ECP) started to published new-strip comics in Famous Funnies. Later on, imitators started to published King Comics and Popular Comics. The following year, the company made the first comic book

  • Argumentative Essay On Supergirl

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    shows on the CW, Supergirl is the most fundamentally difficult piece in which the director and writers have to portray Kara and her heroine powers. Kara has the same heat vision, super speed, super strength, ice breath, and flying capabilities as Superman, and the TV show consistently pushes the boundaries of the capabilities of special effects on television. The finale of season two, titled “Nevertheless, She Persisted,” is possibly one of the most captivating episodes of Supergirl. While some of

  • Why DC Comics Turned Off Their Cinematic Universe

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    the end. As a superman fan, I don’t agree with that. I thought the movie

  • Argumentative Essay On Oliver Wilson

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    me explain cause from here i'm sure you guessed number 1 by now. Superman was borned on the planet known as Krypton literally seconds after being born the planet was going to explode so Jor-El and Lara sent him off to space in a capsule landing on Earth on a farm owned by Martha and Jonathan Kent who took him in as there own son who they named Clark Kent. The rest is history the crying baby turned into the Superhero known as Superman he has every power in the book including heat vision, ice breath

  • Analysis Of Zack Snyder's Film Man Of Steel

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    Zack Snyder’s film “Man of Steel” fosters diverse philosophical ideas about society and their perception of free will and the acceptance of truth. Plato’s “The Republic” plays an imperative role in contextualising Krypton’s structure that ultimately gave way to the Kryptonian’s deterioration. The corrosion is caused by the rejection of the idea that society should be free to make their own decisions and live their own lives. Also by the denial of society on Krypton to acknowledge that their organisation

  • Dark Knight Return Analysis

    818 Words  | 2 Pages

    The “Dark Knight Returns”, by Frank Miller is one of the most influential comic book mini-series in comic book history. Its impact cannot be underrated as this series has changed the way comic books and superhero movies are structured, developed, and their overall meaning. Batman has never possessed any super powers and often faces foes that do. Batman has always had to rely on his superior intellect, human physique, detective skills, and masterful planning. When Bruce Wayne was a child, he witnessed