Spitalfields Essays

  • Jack The Ripper Research Paper

    1296 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the early morning of August 31, 1888, Jack the Ripper named his first victim. Mary Ann Nichols was a homeless prostitute who worked in the district of Spitalfields. Between one o’clock and two o’clock, Mary was thrown out of her lodging house at 18 Thrawl Street, Spitalfields. Fate had dealt her a rough hand. She was a 43-year-old mother of five children, separated from her husband. This forced her into prostitution. An hour or so after losing her lodging, she was seen by one of her roommates

  • Jack The Ripper Thesis

    759 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jack The Ripper Jack the ripper was a killer in the whitechapel district of europe .Jack killed five female prostitutes removing several organs and “sending” the police several letters. This essay will talk out the many details that the killer left and the reason why he was never caught. From August 7 to September 10 in 1888, "Jack the Ripper" terrorized the Whitechapel district in London's East End. He killed at least five prostitutes and mutilated their bodies in an unusual manner, indicating

  • The Murders Of Barbara And Patricia Grimes

    1926 Words  | 4 Pages

    Numerous murders have taken place throughout history and sadly, plenty of these murders go unsolved. One of these unsolved murders is the murders of Barbara and Patricia Grimes in 1957. There have been plenty of suspects, but nobody was ever convicted of the murders of the sisters. However, after reviewing possible suspects for the murders of the Grimes sisters, the true identity of the killer has been revealed as Max Fleig. Barbara and Patricia Grimes’ lives were tragically cut short when they

  • Jack The Ripper Thesis

    1781 Words  | 4 Pages

    “Jack the Ripper”, an alias given because someone sent and signed a letter in that name, is the infamous serial killer that harmed the streets of Whitechapel district in East End London during 1888. The Ripper murdered, from what is known, at least five prostitutes in an unusual medical manner that helped provide the police with a hint that the killer might have been educated in the human anatomy (Biography.com). The killer became and remained famous for numerous reasons, one of them being that the

  • Jack The Ripper: The Mystery Of The Murderer

    705 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jack the Ripper: The Mystery of the Murderer In London of 1888 there was an unknown serial killer that was named Jack the Ripper. The name “Jack the Ripper” originally came from a letter from someone that claimed to be the killer. The killer was also called, “the Whitechapel Murderer” and the “Leather Apron.” In this essay I will talk about the mystery of Jack the Ripper and the killings and talk about some questions, such as, who was Jack the Ripper, why did he kill those women, and all in such

  • The Gruesome Murders Of Jack The Ripper

    1137 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Gruesome Murders of Jack the Ripper Between August 31 and November 9, 1888, an unidentified man brutally murdered at least five different women. Jack the Ripper’s five victims confirmed, Mary Ann ‘Polly’ Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly were all killed between August 31 and November 9, 1888. All five of the women were prostitutes, which was one of the few similarities observed between them. Two widely believed theories surrounding the Jack the

  • Jack The Ripper Research Paper

    2109 Words  | 5 Pages

    Since its invention in the late nineteenth century, the name Jack the Ripper has caused hundreds of contemporary historians and writers to obsess over its meaning. The name is a symbol of horror, sexual perversion, crime, filth, and savagery. Jack the Ripper is more than a man or a murderer; he is an enigma that has grown over the years to become a source of fascination that continues today. This thesis will focus on two images of Jack created by the police and the press of Whitechapel. The third

  • Jack The Ripper Research Paper

    744 Words  | 2 Pages

    Like your worst nightmare or favorite horror flick, the mystery of Jack the Ripper is more than just a chilling tale or dream. Whitechapel, a small area in Eastern London, was threatened by a spree of gruesome murders in 1888. These ghastly murders took place from August and ended in November, rounding up a death total of five women. Jack the Ripper is an infamous murderer, known for the gruesome killings of five prostitutes in the White Chapel district of London. Although there was never anyone

  • Jack The Ripper Research Paper

    745 Words  | 2 Pages

    Intelligent is a word to describe Jack the Ripper because of the people he chose and the place he chose to perform the mutilation. As a matter of fact, he killed five prostitutes in the East End of London a crime ridden, over crowded, and the most impoverished part of London. His "comfort zone", or the place he killed the woman, is around one square mile. Even though he chose such a small zone to kill woman in so little time showed to his intelligence and skillfulness with a knife. The cuts he made

  • Jack The Ripper Research Paper

    1340 Words  | 3 Pages

    Jack the Ripper was a notorious Nineteenth Century serial killer whose true identity has been surrounded in mystery since the inception of the heinous murders (Newton 112). There exists a plethora of theories on who the real killer was (Newton 112). There was two suspects involved in the mystery, their names were James Kelly and Montague John Druitt (Newton 112). James Kelly was considered a suspect because he killed his wife by having the impression she was a prostitute (Newton 112). Montague John

  • Jack The Ripper Research Paper

    1079 Words  | 3 Pages

    On August 6, 1888, Mary Nicholas was found brutally murdered on the bottom of a staircase. The staircase was in the sinister arch that led into George Yard (today known as Gunthorpe Street). Nicholas had thirty-nine stab wounds from her throat to her lower abdomen. The brutal act was the first of eleven murders committed between 1888 to 1891. The infamous murderer behind these killings is known as “Jack the Ripper.” Jack was known for killing female prostitutes in the Whitechapel district in London's

  • Analysis Of Jack The Ripper Murders

    1459 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Ripper murders were a series of murders that occured in Whitechapel District in the East End of London (MPS). The murders were attributed to an unidentified serial killer widely known as Jack the Ripper. Canonically, the murders consist of brutal attacks against at least five women (Cook). These murders were committed against women that resided in Whitechapel distract which was notoriously known for its poverty and socially disadvantaged. The sheer brutality of the murders and the sensationalized

  • Peter William Sutcliffe: The Yorkshire Ripper

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    Many connections to the 20th-century to the 21st-century could be made about the Headless Horseman, especially to modern serial killers. "Peter William Sutcliffe is a British serial killer known as “The Yorkshire Ripper”. In 1981 Sutcliffe was convicted of murdering 13 women and attempting to murder seven others. He targeted prostitutes in Leeds and Bradford causing a climate of fear across northern England." (list25) Before the man was caught, he went by the name "The Yorkshire Ripper", a mystery

  • Jack The Ripper Thesis

    787 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jack the Ripper In the month of August, in the year 1888, terrible atrocities would start to happen in Whitechapel, London. A killer who would later take the name ‘Jack the Ripper,’ began mutilating and murdering women (“Jack the Ripper” 1). He did his work in violent alley ways and streets taken over by gangs. It is believed that the Ripper had knowledge of anatomy due to of the nature of his crimes. It is also believed that the Ripper started with a series of smaller crimes leading up to the murders

  • Jack The Ripper Research Paper

    1503 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction In the impoverished area in and around Whitechapel, London during 1888 a series of disturbing, gruesome murders took place. Some murders in this area occurred before and after what is recognised as Jack the Rippers time. However between the months of September and November of 1888 five women, all prostitutes and residents of Whitechapel, were believed to have been murdered by the same hand. The murders brought a lot of fear and attention inside and outside of London. The unidentified

  • Jack The Ripper Research Paper

    998 Words  | 2 Pages

    Every killer has their own technique that sets them apart from the rest. Jack the Ripper is best known for being a loner who dominates his victims through inhumane actions while inflicting the maximum amount of damage possible. Jack the Ripper had background knowledge in human anatomy, which reflected in his ability to mutilate human bodies in many ways. Jack the Ripper's case has remained an unsolved mystery partly because of his unidentifiable face. He is thought to have butchered at least five

  • Unmasking Jack the Ripper: A Forensic Retrospective

    1617 Words  | 4 Pages

    Serial killers have long held morbid intrigue for many people, but none so much as Jack the Ripper, a London murderer from the late 1880’s. By historical standards, Jack the Ripper was not particularly prolific; he had five victims, in stark contrast to a murderer like Countess Elizabeth Bathory, who had over 650 victims, but unlike Elizabeth Bathory, Jack the Ripper was never given a name. Today, with technology and forensic knowledge we possess, will we be able to name the infamous assassin? Jack

  • Mary Wollstonecraft Accomplishments

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mary Wollstonecraft, a famous writer and philosopher, was born on April 27, 1759 in Spitalfield, London. Throughout Mary’s life, she has many accomplishments, one being a book called “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”. When we look back one should wonder, how did Mary accomplish so many things? Mary grew up receiving her education from a local country school for girls. At school, Mary learned many things that a housewife should know such as sewing and other household chores. As Mary got older

  • jack the ripper

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    It all started in the East End of London in 1888, from August 7 till November 10. All killings occurred within one mile area and involved the districts of Whitechapel, Spitalfields, Aldgate, and the city of London proper. The man I am referring to is no other then the notorious Jack the Ripper, the Whitechapel, or the Leather Apron. Jack the Ripper is significant and popular, not just because he was a serial killer, but because he was the first to appear in a large metropolis at the time when the

  • Essay On Jack The Ripper

    1295 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Autumn of Terror happen in the 1888, where prostitutes were murdered in Whitechapel. They nicknamed the murder Jack the Ripper by a letter that he himself wrote and signed it “Jack the Ripper”. Jack the Ripper is a very captivating and mysterious topic. So much so, that many people have tried to figure out his identity. The fact is, he eluded many in his time and in the end, the list of suspects was just too many to narrow down to one person. Whitechapel, during the year 1888, was the lowest