Spies Essays

  • Rosenberg Spies

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    Rosenberg Spies In 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of passing information to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) concerning the construction of nuclear weapons. In 1953, the United States Government executed them. Some say, the Rosenbergs received their just punishment. Many historians feel that the trial was unfair, and that international claims for clemency were wrongly ignored. These historians claim that the Rosenbergs were assassinated by the US government

  • Alger Hiss Spy Case

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    The Alger Hiss Spy Case During the late nineteen forties, a new anti-Communistic chase was in full holler, this being the one of the most active Cold War fronts at home. Many panic-stricken citizens feared that Communist spies were undermining the government and treacherously misdirecting foreign policy. The attorney general planned a list of ninety supposedly disloyal organizations, none of which was given the right to prove its loyalty to the United States. The Loyalty Review Board investigated

  • The Address Of August Spies Analysis

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    the Haymarket Affair of 1866. Among those tried for the crime was August Spies, who in his “Address of August Spies,” compromises his own life by persistently undermining the legitimacy of the State to emphasize the determination of the collective for which he views himself as a “representative.” In his attempt to illuminate the injustices of the State and foreshadow the unremitting turmoil that will emerge with his murder, Spies simultaneously showcases the divisions within society at the time. Consequently

  • American Spies: The Secret of Washington’s Culper Spy Ring

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    Revolution saw the rise of the American spy, and the father of these spies was George Washington, commander in Chief of the Continental Army. The siege of New York demonstrated the importance and dire need for an intelligence to General Washington. Unfortunately, the difficulty, at least initially, lay with finding people willing and able to serve in this manner. Upon recognizing the necessity for a network of subterfuge, Washington created the Culper spy ring. Housed in New York City under the

  • Behind The Lines: Spies In The Civil War

    1618 Words  | 4 Pages

    Behind the Lines: Spies in the Civil War The Civil War was the bloodiest, most devestating war that has ever been fought on American soil. It began on April 12, 1861, at 4:30 in the morning. The main reason that the war was fought was because Southern states believed that they should have the right to use African-Americans as slaves, and the Northern States opposed that belief. Millions of American men and women fought against each other in this war, and more than half a million died. Yes, that

  • Espionage

    1282 Words  | 3 Pages

    Espionage: to spy, the gathering of information Espionage is the secret gathering of information on rival countries for military purposes. Espionage can be used in business, military, economic or political decisions however; it is commonly employed government for defensive tactics. Espionage or spying is illegal in many nations however, it gains profits from agencies to protect the secrecy of information that is desired. Espionage is an old ancient craft; it has been used through out history. The

  • Alienation in Hamlet

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    In Hamlet, Shakespeare depicts alienation among the younger characters. Trusting no one, Claudius, the new king, and Polonius send out spies to obtain information from others to assure Claudius's rule of Denmark runs smoothly. Claudius killed Old Hamlet for the rule of Denmark and he fears that Hamlet might know of the murder. Both Claudius and Polonius spy on Hamlet to find out if he knows of the murder. Polonius sends his daughter, Ophelia, out to also gain information. Hamlet begins going mad

  • Hamlet's Metaphor For His Friends' Betrayal

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    plot by Claudius to understand why Hamlet has gone mad.  Thus upon discovering their motives for returning to Denmark, Hamlet no longer has trust or camaraderie for his former friends. In order to cause confusion for both Claudius and the two hired spies, he is participates in dialogue with the two, though his relationship is not the same as it once was.  Instead of an honest friendship, which he has with Horatio, he is very impersonal with Guildenstern and Rosencrantz ever since her learned of their

  • Free Essays on The Three Musketeers

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    without the musketeers because they stayed behind fighting the cardinal’s spies, Buckingham finds out that he has lost 2 of the diamond tags.  So he tells his jeweler to make 2 exact copies of the diamonds.  Thus, Buckinghams gives him the copies, he gives it to d’Artagnan, and he takes it to Paris to give to the queen.  Everything goes as planned. D’Artagnan leaves Paris, because he was in danger of the cardinal’s spies, and goes looks for the musketeers.  He finds all of them exactly where they

  • Enigma

    887 Words  | 2 Pages

    Germany. Without the knowledge of the break in security, Germany sent out a machine to every military outpost in preparations for war. The Polish government then listened closely to the airways, trying to pick up any information they could. They sent spies out to intercept messages in hopes of learning more about their neighbor’s plans. It was only by chance that the polish government was able to break the enigma code the first time. A man working at the Head Quarters in Berlin contacted a French

  • Capital Punishment is an Effective Deterrent

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    times, many methods of Capital Punishment were used to deter a variety of crimes.  For over a century, the uniform method for executing persons in America was hanging, although starvation was very common also.  There were exceptions which included spies, traitors, and deserters who would face a firing squad.  Then in 1888, New York directed the construction of an "electric chair" (Flanders 11).  It was believed that the new harnessed power of electricity would prove to be a more scientific and

  • Robin Hood

    1220 Words  | 3 Pages

    strategy now? Does he need more people, or could he become more selective in potential recruits? As he said, he's losing touch with his people. He doesn't know half of them. And that's a problem, isn't it? It's a problem because the Sheriff could send in spies. That makes Robin more vulnerable again. Another problem: food is now scarce and resources are low. Further, he needs to decide about the tax issue. He needs to decide about the timing of a campaign against the Sheriff. He needs to decide about accepting

  • Questions and Answers from The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara

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    Chapter 1- The Spy 1. What is the spy's usual occupation before the war? The spy was an actor. 2. How is he perceived by Longstreet? By Sorrel? Quote the passage or passages that best demonstrates their feelings. Longstreet thinks that he is not much of a spy, but he takes his word, seeing that there is no other person to believe.-"If you cannot find headquarters of this whole army you cannot be much of a spy. Sorrel just doesn't trust spies at all. Chapter 2- Chamberlain 3. What is Chamberlain's

  • The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

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    without the musketeers because they stayed behind fighting the cardinal's spies, Buckingham finds out that he has lost 2 of the diamond tags. So he tells his jeweler to make 2 exact copies of the diamonds. Thus, Buckinghams gives him the copies, he gives it to d'Artagnan, and he takes it to Paris to give to the queen. Everything goes as planned. D'Artagnan leaves Paris, because he was in danger of the cardinal's spies, and goes looks for the musketeers. He finds all of them exactly where they

  • The Character of Claudius in Shakespeare's Hamlet

    564 Words  | 2 Pages

    from the start, his very words are like a drug, aimed at deflecting Hamlet away from his grief. In a wider sense, the state itself is 'poisoned' by Claudius. He uses Gertrude, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as his tools; he employs spies and underhand methods. He tries to make Hamlet 'disappear' by sending him to England (where his madness is less likely to attract attention!) in the company of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern rather than by any process of law or a direct challenge. Polonius

  • An Analysis of The Story of Rahab

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    receiving God’s command to enter into the Promised Land, sends two spies into Jericho and the surrounding areas to “view the land” (Joshua 2:1). The two spies are discovered in Jericho as they enter Rahab’s harlot house. The king of Jericho, being alerted to their presence, sends for the spies. Rahab hides the two spies on her roof under some flax and sends the guards out of the city on a wild goose chase. Rahab then tells the spies that everyone in the land is afraid of their power and that she knows

  • Women in War

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    Living in the Georgia frontier, this "War Woman" aimed and, with deadly accuracy, shot British soldiers who invaded the area.10 Mentioned in the beginning of this essay was Margaret Corbin, another woman on the battlefield. There were many American spies during the war, but the most remarkable one was Lydia Darragh of Philadelphia, a Quaker. Tricking the British soldiers conferencing in her home into believing that she was asleep, Friend Lydia learned that they were going to surprise Washington's army

  • Psycho Motifs

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    (In this case, a movie.) One motif in this movie could be circles. For example, the eyes of all the characters, and the Norman’s birds. How about the police man’s sun glasses, they were also circular. Here’s a creepy one, the peep hole that Norman spies on Marion with. Another example could be the drains, which in two cases both had blood being washed down. Eerily, there is the empty eye sockets of Norman’s dead mother. There is even the letter O in Norman’s name. To sum this set of motifs up, circles

  • Leashing Carnivore

    847 Words  | 2 Pages

    congressional statement made before a Senate committee that was reviewing the FBI’s Carnivore system. In a congressional statement made by Donald Kerr who is the Assistant Director of the Laboratory Division for the FBI, Kerr explains terrorists, spies, hackers, and criminals used computers and the Internet with malicious intent. Another reason the FBI feels that they need Carnivore is to combat information warfare, fraud, and other various crimes on the Internet. I believe that Carnivore will

  • Free Hamlet Essays: The Naivete of Hamlet

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    isolated from your friends and make you very lonely. Hamlet’s loneliness, false friends, and betrayals cause his downfall to a great extent.  The court of Denmark is filled with spies: Claudius hires Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to spy on Hamlet; Polonius spies on Hamlet in Gertrude’s bedchamber; Polonius uses Ophelia as bait to spy on Hamlet. Hamlet is not a part of this deceit; he is honest. For example, Claudius suggests Hamlet is honest when he and Laertes are discussing their dual scheme; Ophelia