Something the Lord Made Essays

  • Something The Lord Made Joseph Sant's Mentoring Style

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    Every mentor has their own personal style as well as it significantly influences how they behave as a part of the mentor style is his or her ability to get used to their normal responses when the situation involves something other than their normal style. The movie, Something the Lord Made by Joseph Sargent is based on a true story of two medical inventors, which are the surgeons Dr. Blalock who is creating a new technique in heart surgery and his assistant Vivien Thomas who get hired as a janitor at

  • Compare and Contrast the Mentoring Style

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    A mentor is someone who shares one’s wisdom, knowledge or experience with one’s junior person so that the person could learn and grow. Mentors have many different style of training or passing on their knowledge to other people. The movie “Something the Lord Made” directed by Joseph Sargent shows a kind of mentoring style in between the two main characters Dr. Blalock and Vivan Thomas who invent a way to treat “blue babies” back in the 40s. Vivan Thomas is a brilliant black men who wishes to go to

  • The Effect of Mentors’ Guidance on Their Mentees

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    You will interact with numerous people during your lifetime; however, only important and significant people will make influences in your life. In the movie Something the Lord Made directed by Joseph Sargent, Vivien Thomas, an African-American carpenter who dreams of going to college and becoming a doctor, is forced to work as a lab assistant under the instructions and guidance of an arrogant and eccentric cardiologist, Dr. Alfred Blalock. Despite having no college degree, Vivien Thomas is able to

  • Something The Lord Made Dr. Alfred Blalock

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    Something the Lord Made In the movie “Something the Lord Made”, Dr. Alfred Blalock, introduced open heart surgery for the cure of blue babies. These babies are cyanotic because of a heart that fails to function properly and prevents the baby’s blood from being fully oxygenated. The bluish color signifies the deoxygenated condition of the blood. In the other hand, red color signifies oxygen-rich blood. Blalock employed Vivien Thomas, initially as a janitor and then as a lab technician

  • Knights In The Middle Ages Essay

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    the Lord or King and their first priority was to the person he served.Feudalism is the form of government and organization that held medieval society together and kept them from complete chaos. Knights upheld the laws and served their Lord, they made oaths and agreements and both the Lord and knight depended on each other. Feudalism made sure that everyone got what they needed by making oaths and agreements that keep loyalty to the Lord, so if you did something for someone they do something for you

  • An Enthusiastic Worshiper

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    a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Now this scripture is telling us to do something. Now in the KJV this scripture end’s with a period but in the amplified Bible it ends with an exclamation point. And a exclamation point goes at the end of a forceful command So this tells me that we need to be doing something, we need to manufacture something, formulate something, we need to bring something into existence, to case something to be or become we need to make something happe... ... middle of

  • Examples Of Sacrifice In 47 Ronin

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    in common, but they do in the movie, “47 Ronin.” You see, all of them are loosely tied to sacrifice, the act of giving up something valued for something regarded as more important. There were many different forms of this prominent theme that were constantly seen throughout “47 Ronin,” especially in the examples given above. The main types seen were forced sacrifice, offering made to protect, and sacrificed obtained through death. The reason that they were so much diversity in this action, in both the

  • Differences Between Feudalism in Europe and Japan

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    European feudalism was based on contract and Japanese feudalism was based on personal relationship with the lord and vassal. This helps prove that the differences between European and Japanese feudalism made limited government more likely to develop in the West because a contract limits what the lords and vassals could do. William, the king of English, said, “I command you [the vassal] to summon all those who are under your charge......and bring ready with you those five knights that you owe me[

  • The Picture Of Dorian Gray Theme Analysis

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    young love that she has. For the love for eternal youth, in which is portrayed in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, the theme is one that is highly faced with multiple encounters of internal conflict intimate with the characters, specifically Lord Henry, Mrs. Vane and the main protagonist himself, Dorian Gray. With a cause-and-effect action of the importance

  • Personal Narrative: My Interview With A Ministry

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    direction or give me my opinion regarding something I have written about for a class. We stared out the interview by asking him why he became a pastor and man of God? His response was, “I did not choose this life for myself. God called me to the ministry and for several years I ignored his calling for as long as I could until I finally realized that this is what I am meant to do with my life. Making this decision was one that was not easy at all it is something that I prayed over for several months

  • The Irony Of Lord Jim

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    The Irony Of Lord Jim Lord Jim was written by Joseph Conrad in 1900. Lord Jim’s tale is a lesson in life. It includes many key literary aspects; the main one, nevertheless, would be irony. With parts of the story exhibiting heroic redemption and others cowardice and shortcomings, it shows the vast conflicts that take place in the story. Lord Jim shows the many hardships the main character,Tuan Jim or Lord Jim, had to go through with great detail. Lord Jim tests the basic worth of a man

  • What Is Lord Of The Flies An Allegory

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    To say that William Golding’s The Lord of the Flies is a dystopian novel with a double-meaning would be an understatement. In this work of fiction, it is not difficult to see that it could be an allegory. An allegory is a narrative, typically a novel, containing symbolism or another story within it. Moving on to the story itself, its main plot consists of a group of boys that have been trapped on an island after a plane crash, and must figure out how to survive with one another. Behind the scenes

  • Dorian Gray Duality

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    A product of Lord Henry's contradicting hedonistic philosophies, Dorian Grey forms a double personality comprised of a truthful painting representing his soul and an the antithesis that is himself, much like Henry's epigrams that often contain an inverse to their initial message. Seduced by Henry's poisonous whisperings, Dorian becomes obsessed with his own beauty and maintaining the illusion of youth. In order to do this he must separate his external appearance and internal soul. His duality can

  • Oscar Wilde's Victorian Stage Melodrama, An Ideal Husband

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    public are usually uninformed. The play is about London society throughout the mid 80s, it condemns the value of Victorian society – it can also be perceived as a social satire. The Victorian stage melodrama was made up of six stock characters: The hero, villain, heroine, aged parent (Lord Caversham), sidekick and a servant (Phibbs). A stock character is a fictional character that is based upon a stereotype or well-known traits within society. Stock characters rely heavily on the names that they’re

  • Civil or Savage

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    We are each born with human nature, taught to be civil, but we watch evil. Most people would say that we are each born different, but we are actually all born with the same human nature that makes each of us do the things we do. In the book Lord of the Flies the author, Ellie Golding, is just coming out of World War 2, which has a great influence on how she feels about civilization. When a person commits an act of evil we blame that person, but have we ever thought that maybe they learned it from

  • A Concert Review Of The Slippery Rock University Concert

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    the Lord Nelson Mass composed by Joseph Haydn. In this concert, the two performances differed greatly unlike the last performance that I went to. The previous one that I attended had music that all sounded very similar to me. That could just be my lack of experience with American music, especially music that was composed hundreds of years ago. This time, there was vocal accompaniment with the second piece which clearly made it much different than the other works that I listened to. The Lord Nelson

  • Response to Chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies"

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    At the end of chapter 8, Simon finds what is called “The Lord of the Flies”. The significance of this event is this is the first time the reader is introduced to the object in which the novel is titled after. Secondly, it depicts good versus evil, the good being Simon. Simon is different from the rest of the boys; he has a sense of moral uprightness that doesn’t seem to fade with each passing day the boys are exiled and sets him apart from the others. He’s the one person on the island whose actions

  • Insanity In Lord Of The Flies

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    the story is Simon’s encounter with the Lord of the Flies. On many accounts, it references this plot sequence as the defining point in the story. Multiple points are made as to other scenes being the contradiction moment. Simon is the most influential character in the story seeing as though he is meant to represent Jesus. He represents the same characteristics (selflessness) but also shows his humanity in the way that he does not rise from the dead. The Lord of the Flies is the main antagonist in

  • Lord Capulet Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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    declared dead by the Prince the day after Juliet was supposed to have her wedding to the kinsman Paris, but. This is a tragedy that has made all of Verona mourn and has ended the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. This play might be old, but it still can relate to a lot of lives now in the present, for example, two young adults may be rushing something that should take a long time. This tragedy is very saddening and also one of the saddest ones, but like all tragedies, there is someone

  • Deuteronomy Assignment

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    are told to appoint judges and officers for themselves in all the towns that the Lord is giving to them according to their tribes. These judges are to judge the people righteously. This justice should be ultimate and should not be changed or distorted. The judges are also to not take bribes from anyone or be partial. This they should do because bribing shows perversion of the righteousness which should not be something that characterizes the judges. The main objective of these judges should be to only